Sunday, November 8, 2009

"Bloodless" President Obama...

As usual, it takes a British news outlet, the Daily Telegraph, to see and comment on things about our country and its morose commander-in-chief, that the state-controlled U.S. media is too ideologically-compromised to acknowledge.

Case in point: when the Muslim fanatic "Psych-Major" Hasan performed his jihad attack inside Fort Hood in Texas last week, Pres. Obama merely added this bit of unfortunate breaking news to his oratoric repertoire before his native American constituents, calculating that it was more expedient--and natural for him--to dole out political kudos (for another personal victory won!) first before commenting on an event that most likely seemed trivial and inconvenient to him when he was told about it.

Here is the article. Click here to read it.

While I don't pine for the days of Pres. George W. Bush, I do look forward to the inevitable and eventual "change" from the current administration, which pins its fragile "hopes" on the failed socialist utopian fantasies of the past.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Correction, Mr. President, REPUBLICANS Think for Themselves, DEMOCRATS 'Do What They're Told!'

Were it not for You Tube and the "democratic" nature of the World Wide Web, telling remarks like this one by our de facto president would go largely unnoticed.

So much for the "post-partisan" president of the 2008 election campaign.

Incidentally, that is not to paint ALL Democrats and ALL Republicans with the same broad brush. But when you compare "pure" (i.e., hard-line) Democrat politics with "pure" Republicanism, you find that the former is a COLLECTIVIST model based on group think, statism, majority rule and a militant egalitarianism within a non-moral, non-religious framework, while the latter reflects more of an INDIVIDUALIST mindset based on the Rule of Law, limited government and preservation of personal liberties (and responsibilities!) within a constitutional and conservative/religious framework, you see the reason for the disparity between these two warring philosophies.

In any case, getting elected to high public office is a lot like getting married. Once the courtship is over and the deal is done, the REAL candidate emerges, and the PHONY one that won over our hearts (and minds) is exposed as the pretender and deceiver that he is. (Except that some of us saw through the facade of demagoguery and empty leftist rhetoric and "elected" to let this one go.)

Pray for the safety and preservation of our constitutional republic--i.e., what the founding fathers ACTUALLY established in 1789. The corrupt, Chicago democratic party machine has unequivocally been NATIONALIZED by our community-organizer-in-chief and his cadre of maoist-marxist fellow travelers.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

And So the VETTING of President Barack Obama Continues--NINE MONTHS After His "Election", SEVEN MONTHS After His Inauguration!...

The Late, Great Birth Certificate Controversy of 2008-9 shows no signs of letting up. Rather, it continues to snowball and gather more steam as evidenced by the increasing amount of media attention it is receiving--from outlets other than the State-Run Media. Some of these outlets are dubious (like The Globe supermarket tabloid); others are simply independent organizations toiling in relative obscurity with a growing audience of disaffected readers flocking to them.

Naturally, due to the fact that mainstream media journalists have overwhelming chosen to recuse themselves from the venue of "real" investigative journalism and become essentially private-sector correspondents for the White House, the mantle of carrying out this gritty, thankless task of digging, digesting and disseminating "inconvenient truths" about our current, corruption-riddled president and his administration of strident left-wing extremists has largely fallen on "alternative media" (sort of like alternative medicine), i.e., the "New Media" outlets who brave the slings and arrows and ridicule of their Old Media counterparts.

Outlets like Matt Drudge, Worldnetdaily, Newsbusters and NewsMax are prime examples. Particularly WND, which continues to delve into the netherworld of legal documents, government records and myriad other literary artifacts in its efforts to get at the truth about the "Manchurian" president, Mr. Obama. Here is the latestWND article in that regard.

Though it looks now as though the purported Kenyan document recently publicized was a forgery, no matter. Obama and the marauding socialist juggernaut moves ahead at ramming speed. The Powers That Be have a timetable to be kept. They can't be bothered with trivial nuisances like grassroots, national public opposition! (witness the health care debate)

Stay tuned for further developments (especially when Congress reconvenes in September).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kenyan Birth Certificate Appears to Prove That, Indeed, President Barack Hussein Obama is Our First AFRICAN-AMERICAN President!

If this is real, I think it qualifies as a BOMBSHELL.

There are three images of a Kenyan birth certificate that appears to bear the names of Pres. Obama's natural parents.

Here are the images, along with Worldnetdaily's latest installment on this political obfuscation being perpetrated by the invisible and intractable Powers That Be lurking behind the "throne." (ordained by God to govern for now, but don't worry, He'll settle the score with them later!)

Obama's handlers will continue to do whatever they have to in order to keep their man in office, while they proceed to refashion America after the image of their 19th century gods, Marxism, Communism and Socialism.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pres. Obama's "Compassionate CommieCare" Plan (CCCP) is Pure Sovietized, Collectivized, Marxist Medicine--and Probably UNCONSTITUTIONAL!...

No wonder the Obama administration is fast-tracking "health-care reform" on the heels of of the ungodly economic strangulus package.  It gives expanded federal control of the population--under the guise of enhancing and "improving" our existing medical system--unlike anything we've seen before, except in undemocratic, totalitarian regimes that ignore the constitutional rights of their citizens and usurp the 'rule of law').

Here is WND's article on the unconstitutional nature of this proposal (and of the so-called "Recovery and Reinvestment Act" that just passed).

If this is not "socialized medicine", then de facto President Barack Hussein Obama is not a radical revolutionary leftist with a political and ideological axe to grind.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

"A Prince Whose Character is Thus Marked by Every Act Which May Define a Tyrant, is Unfit to Be the Ruler of a Free People."

This Fourth of July/Independence Day, read through the Declaration of Independence (from which the title to this posting is quoted).

It will remind you afresh how much we need to get back to basics in our country, back to our constitutional, freedom-loving, liberty-defending--and GOD FEARING--roots.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Here's Why the All-Barack-Channel (ABC) Decided on MORE Jackomania Coverage Rather Than Airing John Stossel's Opposing Viewpoint on Obamacare...

Here's the reason. Are you ready?

It's because John Stossel does not agree with the government-run model of Obama's health care proposal!--which ABC cleared the deck for on June 24th in order to promote. 


John's not one of those State-Run Media lemmings prostrating themselves and licking the boots of the quasi-messiah from Kenya (so sorry, the president, who was born in Hawaii!).

Stossel has a long history as a contrarian journalist on ABC.  He's still a liberal, politically, though in the libertarian vein, rather than the bigoted, jingoistic vein of modern "establishment" liberalism.  He's definitely not a doctrinaire leftist like most of his cohorts. 

And certainly he's not a neo-communist/geo-marxist like the acting president and his cadre of cronies and corrupt bankster/handlers.

ABC says it will air John's piece at a later date.......unless, of course, another media-entertainment mega-superstar dies suddenly!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thank You, Helen Thomas & Chip Reid, for Showing the White House Court Jester ("Bobby G") What 'Open' and 'Transparent' Hypocrisy Looks Like!

It took the Grand Dame of White House correspondents, Helen Thomas, led off by CBS's Chip Reid, to converge on Mr. Robert Gibbs, Obama's White House press secretary, and challenge him about the public relations charade that the administration has been putting on since its inception--particularly in its artificially constructed, pre-programmed and micro-managed "townhall meetings"--to bolster its specious claim that it is "open" and "transparent" in its executive functions as pertaining to public policy and affairs of state.

Newsbusters had this to say about their cordial yet terse exchange. (The article includes a transcript of the dialogue between Thomas and Gibbs.)  

Video clip compliments of C-Span 2:

Following this exchange, Ms. Thomas was also quoted as saying that not even Nixon tried to control the press as much as Obama!

Mr. Gibbs's adeptness as an artful Master of Deflection shows why he was selected to be the administration's "Dorquemada" at these White House Inquisitions!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Gee, Maybe We Should've Checked Out His Credentials a Little More Closely Before the Election--You Know, Little Things (Like His BIRTH CERTIFICATE!)"

The presidential honeymoon phase appears to be winding down as we move into the sixth month of the Reign of Obama.  

People are slowly coming to the realization that Obama the candidate, who could make women swoon with his velvety speeches and speak peace to the wind and waves, is turning out to be Obama the president who is making the economy faint and swoon, wreaking havoc on the nation with his scorched-earth political tactics, implacability and 'Don Corleone'-mafioso-style of leadership.

Rasmussen has their latest poll out showing that "voter's remorse" continues to set in.  

Here is the full article. 

The most fundamental "credential" of all, of course, is the one that the Obama administration and the neo-marxist media infrastructure have vigorously disputed and refused to provide, i.e., a simple request for the most mundane and basic of documents that would give instant, concrete and irrefutable evidence of his constitutional eligibility, and would immediately answer many of the questions and quash many of the rumors surrounding his qualifications for office, has been thwarted and resisted to such an extraordinary (and very expensive--for the Obama camp) degree that it makes it look like there's something to hide. 

Well, there is something to hide.  It's called Obama's "long-form" birth certificate!

As we all know, if this document were to be revealed, it would expose the political charade that has been perpetrated by some of the most powerful and devious persons in the world, and would slow the entire Obama-geo-marxist national takeover of America to a crawl.  (Not exterminate it or defeat it.  Just slow it down.)  Of course the powers that be will have none of that.  There's a timetable to keep! An agenda to be implemented!  A vision to be realized! Power to be amassed! MONEY to be made!

Remember, the "long-form" birth certificate is to Obama what kryptonite was to Superman!--what the crucifix was to Dracula! what daylight was to Frankenstein's monster!

Here's the latest World Net Daily article on this 'serious' subject of Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president.

If this were not a truly serious matter, the state-run media would not be ignoring it or at best treating it like a joke or another right-wing conspiracy theory!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Support Democracy in Honduras? "No Way, Jose!" (That Would be 'MEDDLING'!) Better to Have a Totalitarian Dictatorship Than a Constitutional Republic!

Are we beginning to see a pattern in Quasi-President Obama's foreign policy, in his words and deeds (or absence of same)?

Silence against the mullah-monsters of Iran.  Heavy-handed criticism and censure of the underdog Israelis defending their homeland.

Silence against the sino-communist beasts of North Korea.  And now terse vilification of the rule of law unfolding in Honduras.

In typical leftist doublespeak, Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have claimed that the "military coup" (which it isn't) is "illegal" (which it isn't), and that President Zelaya is still the real president (which he isn't, according to the Honduran constitution that was ratified by the people of Honduras, and which, in reality, is the legal impetus behind what is happening there).

Here is a very fine editorial by Mary Anastasia O'Grady published today in the Wall Street Journal.  Michael Savage makes reference to it on his radio show, and on his web site, today. Drudge covered this--while the mainstream media and the mindless, culturally-anesthetized multitudes are still in mourning over the lifestyle-induced death of the King of Pop.

Clearly we're seeing a harbinger of things to come in America when we watch our undemocratically-elected president first skirt the U.S. Constitution--and the "rule of law"--to get installed into office (aided by a massive effort on the part of the neo-marxist media infrastructure), and then watch as he proceeds to make friends with our enemies and make enemies out of our friends.  All the while implementing a draconian, communist-marxist agenda that will further hasten our decline and fall (already in progress).

To put it in historical (and theological) perspective, given America's 220 year history as a constitutional republic that progressively removed God and biblical faith from our government and from the culture and national conscience, Obama may well be the Nebuchadnezzar of the 21st century.  In which case, we may be compelled and constrained, ultimately, to submit to his wicked rule, and that of his corrupt associates.  For a while.

In the meantime, those of us who see the handwriting on the wall will continue to use lawful means (including mass communication) to restrain, rebuke and expose "the evil that men do."

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Obamacare is Intended Only for 'the Little People' (i.e., Non-Members of the Washington Elite)...."Nothing But the Best for My Family!"

As I said, the QUESTIONS were more cogent and rational than the ANSWERS in this week's Dr. Obama-ABC Medicine Show/Health Care Forum.

In the following clip, this physician poses a question, the nature of which exposes every political hypocrite as the demogogue they are.  Essentially it is this: "will you, Mr./Mrs. [insert posturing politician's name here] be bound by the same laws and systemic constraints that you will be imposing on your constituents via this draconian legislation you're proposing?

Answer: "Of course not!"

Thanks to Newsbusters for bringing this to my attention.  Read their article here. Be sure and click through the last link in the article to see that even ABC took notice of the 'do as I say, not as I do' nature of the quasi-president's response.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dr. Obama's (Socialized) Medicine Show Airs Exclusively on the 'All Barack Channel' (ABC); Compassionate Communism Has Its Detractors...

Following the on-air filibuster the quasi-president indulged in last night to pump up the do-or-die, Medicare on-steroids universally-bad health care program that the power-brokers are desperate to implement (with Obama as pitchman), there are plenty of responses and reactions--conservative and otherwise--to the Obamacare infomercial. To start with, here's one worth reading: Michelle Malkin (who is always worth reading!)

ABC News did its obligatory "fact check" (to make sure their American Idol didn't prevaricate and misrepresent the "truth" TOO badly!--and to make sure that the gullible, ideologically-challenged American viewers didn't lose sight of the trees because of the neo-marxist forest they've wandered into!). You can see that here.

Note: the forum questions that did make the cut were far, far, FAR better than the rambling, evasive answers given by the quasi-president.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hey, Chris, Aren't We Taking this 'Messiah' Metaphor Just a Little Too Far?! (At Least I Don't Get 'Tingling Sensations Up My Leg'!)

Here's a link to Newsbusters commenting on Chris Matthews' reference to Democratic wild man Howard Dean as 'John the Baptist' to Obama's messianic alter ego, on Chris's "Hardball" (Softball for liberals) program. Be sure and click on the embedded video.

This Messiah Came Not to Fulfill the Law, But to Break it!

The illegal and unethical firing of Americorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin last week after he impugned a prominent West Coast ally of Obama's (former Phoenix Suns superstar Kevin Johnson) continues to generate a lot of banter on the airwaves.  Limbaugh talked about it some more today on his radio show.

It does underscore the continuing pattern of lawlessness and street-gang-like, bullying tactics that the Obama administration has used with abandon to take out--or at least decimate--its political enemies, during the first five months of the quasi-president's term of office.

Here's an editorial piece from yesterday's Wall Street Journal.

(Remember, Obama co-sponsored the bill last year that his actions last week are in flagrant violation of!)

Here's commentary from American Spectator.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

If Only Obama the Fly-Swatter-in-Chief were THIS Resolute, THIS Courageous, When Dealing with Iran, North Korea, the Somali Pirates, Terrorists, etc..

Behold! Even the lowly flies are subject to him!

Why didn't he at least try to NEGOTIATE with the poor fly first prior to dispatching it so ruthlessly! No preconditions!  Nothing off the table.  Let's just sit down and talk this over, work through this thing together, I'm sure we can come to some kind of an agreement, reach some kind of an accord. No need to come to blows!

Unless of course, it was an Israeli fly!

[The state-run media was in adoration mode today over this herculean feat of pesticidal dexterity, as witnessed by this piece in Newsbusters!]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The 'ALL BARACK CHANNEL!' ABC Quits Pretending to Be "Objective" TV Network, Earns Pejorative Rush Limbaugh Moniker, 'State-Run Media!'

Great blogs think alike... When I read the Drudge Report article this morning re ABC's plan to broadcast from inside the White House next week, providing a nationwide propaganda platform for the quasi-president to pitch his CCCP (my acronym for the Compassionate CommieCare Plan), I immediately thought of the acronym 'ABC' as now standing for (appropriately) the "All Barack Channel."  Of course, by then, so did a gazillion other people!

In any event, here is Michelle Malkin's take on this outrageous yet highly predictable development in the perverse and incestuous world of government-controlled media.

'Physician, Heal Thyself (But Make Sure You Have Good Malpractice Insurance First)!' The Dr. Obama Medicine Show Gets a Mixed Reception from the AMA.

The quasi-president was booed by some of the doctors in attendance!

Here is the text of his scintillating speech that captivated the audience.

And if you want a "visual" that is just as enthralling as the vivacious verbiage in print, here it is:

Remember, Obama's "health care reform" must not "change" the system too drastically: it must conform to the image that will satisfy Democrat-dominated trial lawyers, Democrat-dominated labor and teacher unions, Democrat-dominated consumer advocacy groups--and everyone else that loathes the current system (which deserves loathing) and lusts for the leeks and onions of universal health care.

Yes, that's a tough prescription to fill.  But Dr. Obama and his crack team of "specialists" will do whatever they have to in order to "encourage" the patient to cooperate!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Obama's Compassionate CommieCare System Might Be Modeled After That Spectacular Example of Institutional Excellence: the Public School System!

There is a compelling article today in American Thinker proffering the argument that the national "health care reform" Obama is propagandizing about will pattern itself not after the UK or Canada or even our venerable Medicare/Medicaid system, but rather it will be modeled after our Illustrious Public Education System!

Yes, that extraordinarily expensive, incomparably inefficient and insufferable mess that is our government education system could very well be the Obama administration's template to "reinvent" the nation's health care system, already constrained, corrupted and convoluted by an unholy alliance of government and private sector bureaucracies and pharmacocentric cartels.

Read the article here.  If the author's analysis holds true, then the next generation of Americans--with the notable exception of a burgeoning army of vastly superior societal standard-bearers, home-schooled students!--will be unsound in both mind and body!

It Only Makes Sense that Obama Fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin: After All, Obama is 'Above the Country', 'Above the World'--and ABOVE THE LAW!

Here is Rush Limbaugh's commentary on the "transparent" and "open" firing of the independent, non-partisan inspector general, Mr. Gerald Walpin, in the matter of Americorp.

For an in-depth treatment of this latest example of abuse of power by the Obama administration, see Maggie's Notebook.

Let it be a lesson to anyone who dares to enforce the rule of law on the Chicago thugocrats in Washington.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Read My Lips: No Socialized Medicine!" Says Obama, as He and His Fellow Neo-Comms Work Feverishly to Force Americans into Socialized Medicine!

Ah, the quasi-messiah speaks in riddles, parables, double-entendres, and of course, bald-faced lies.

His misrepresentation of the massive, draconian overhaul of the healthcare system he and his handlers have been planning (for years) is the most recent example.

When he promised during the campaign to post all spending bills on the Internet for four days prior to the Congress voting on them, he forgot to mention that this didn't include any of the byzantine economic strangulus packages (which of course, have NO earmarks in them!) that he would be signing.

When he promised an "open" and "transparent" administration (like Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika!), he failed to mention this was only a figure of speech.  In reality, the openness and transparency are in his administration's brazen and shameless expropriation of power and implementation of a radical agenda that is neo-marxist, pro-Islamic/pro-Arab, anti-American, anti-semitic and anti-Christian to the core.

Here is a brief article written about Obama's "townhall meeting" a couple of days ago in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

We have a new religion that serves as 'an opiate for the masses.' It's called Obamalomania.

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Soviet-Style, UK-Style, Canadian-Style, Nationally Socialized Medicine-Where Everyone Gets 'Free' & Equal Mistreatment!

Fortunately, Obamalomania has not afflicted everyone wanting healthcare reform.

Patients United Now put out this brief ad presenting the opposing side to the argument:

Visit their website for more info.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dr. Obama's Medicine Show in Green Bay, Wisconsin: "It's NOT Socialized Medicine, I Tell You! It's, Uh, It's Actually, Uhm--Compassionate Communism!"

The polls must have been showing that not enough gullible, semi-literate, historically-and-factually-challenged Americans are supporting the quasi-president's draconian health care hijacking proposal, so Obama did what all good politicians do when common sense, rational thinking, morality---or constitutionality issues!--threaten to get the upper hand: take the PR machine on the road!

Sit back and watch our Community Organizer-in-Chief in action.

A 'Messiah' That Hates the Jews? Prominent Rabbi Denounces Climate of Anti-Semitism Fomented by Obama as Evidenced by His Words & Deeds in Office

Here is an insightful article that casts a different light on what anti-President Barack Hussein Obama has been saying and doing, with respect to the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, since taking office in January.

Of course, for those of us who actually went to the trouble of checking into Obama's past history and record as an ultra-liberal Illinois state senator, radicalized "community organizer," Islamophile, campus communist and revolutionary disciple of Saul Alinsky (and the entire pantheon of Marxist[socialist founding fathers), Obama is acting completely within character and as expected for one of his ideological and political ilk.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Sole of Obama: He Bows to the King of Saudi Arabia, But He Couldn't Care Less When "Dissing" the Prime Minister of Israel (for His Muslim Bros!)

At best, this photo reveals the cavalier attitude that Chairman Obama evinces in his seemingly careless but deliberately vindictive yet subtle gestures he uses to convey a "message" to his intended audience.

At worst, it demonstrates a profound disregard and disdain for Israel and the Jews based on a nearly lifelong inculcation with anti-semitic, anti-Western, pro-Arab, pro-Islamic, radically fascist rhetoric and indoctrination, in his primary and higher education, college and career--even in his adult religious instruction!


Here is what Howard Arenstein of CBS News wrote about this picture. 

And here is WorldNetDaily's take on it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The King and I: Saudi Monarch Abdullah Gives Obama Some Bling--the Media Dub It a Necklace (Yawn); "Goodness Gracious, That's Something There!"

As you watch this, picture our previous establishment president, George W. Bush, receiving this honor from the same person in the same way.  And see if the media would not have excoriated Bush mercilessly for it.  Compare that to the ho-hum, matter of fact mention this event received in our State-Controlled Media.

The large, framed document, no doubt, is a certificate of authenticity from the Franklin Mint.

Memorandum from Obama to American Businesses: It's Not About the Money (Really!); It's About My Marxist-Leninist Vision for 'Redistributive Change!'

Here is a Bloomberg article, where the writer announces he has finally solved the Great Mystery of Obama's Economic Policy.

What mystery? 

Obama and his handlers and sycophants have never been interested in utilizing the most effective and productive way of generating more tax revenue (i.e., tax cuts, spending cuts).

What they want, and have always wanted, is nothing less than the total reallocation and redistribution of all the assets and resources of American industry. Period.  

They want "change" the old-fashioned way: by stealing it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Obama is 'Sort of God', Says Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas to Fellow Barack Worshipper Chris Matthews.

This is what passes for "serious" news commentary on the major networks these days. (Of course Chris Matthews' Hardball program has been little more than a serial paean to Obama since the campaign, but I digress)  

Here, a liberal journalist, Newsweek editor Evan Thomas, gushes about how Obama is so much different from (our ratfink president during the 80s 'decade of greed') Ronald Reagan. Whereas Reagan was "parochial, provincial, all about America," Obama is far better than that.  He's above all that.  He is "above the country" and "above the whole world," to the point that he is "sort of God" bringing "all different sides together."

Here's the video documentation of this (courtesy of

You see folks, this is the sort of pablum that comes out of your mouth when you don't have the Real Thing present in your life and you are forced to settle for a cheap (actually exorbitantly expensive in this case) substitute.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Obamalomania Crosses the Atlantic on D-Day & Storms the Beaches of Normandy, Particularly the One Beach Called--Oh, What's That Beach Called...?!

Prime Minister Gordon Brown should have stayed home today and asked Queen Elizabeth to represent him by proxy.  (Being the only head of state who was alive at the time of the original D-Day Invasion, no doubt she would have gotten the name of that beach correct!)

Some days you just wish the wind would blow over your teleprompter and give you an excuse to stop talking for a minute.

Friday, June 5, 2009

And Speaking of Barack's Teleprompter...

... It actually has its own BLOG!

The TOTUS (Teleprompter of the United States) is no ordinary high-tech speech delivery system. No sir. This teleprompter is cool, smart, sassy, sophisticated and irrepressible. (Must run on Mac OSX Leopard.)  He (it) definitely has a mind of its (his) own.

You can read his (its) afterthoughts following Thursday's (June 4th) Cairo speech, by clicking right here.

Obama and the Teleprompters, Live from Cairo!-- the Latest Stop in His "Please Don't Hate Me Because I'm American" Tour...

Here is The Speech, in all of its pomposity:

And here is the official transcript of The Speech, in all of its verbosity.

In a nutshell, Obama's speech dovetails nicely with what every public high school and university student is indoctrinated with these days in terms of history and religion, namely, that America is a despicable nation shrouded in the darkness and ignorance of a legacy imposed by Western Civilization and evil capitalist imperialism, and that Muslim nations are the light of the world and Islam is the beacon of fairness, equality, tolerance and democracy for a New Age.

Yeah right.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Did NBC's Brian Williams Ever Bow to President Bush Like This? Of Course Not! But Then, King Obama is No Ordinary President!

The gesture is muted, modest to be sure, but noticeable and deliberate--and in my opinion, calculated.  This may look like an inocuous "nod" by the NBC anchorman who replaced Tom Brokaw, but to me, it is (a), a natural, deferential response from a fawning admirer and devotee, and (b), a blatant attempt by a media shill ("journalist") to deflect and dilute the visual impact of the infamous Obama-King Abdullah bowing incident that occurred in April (*see below*), which evoked such visceral reactions from American citizens who saw it (and rightly so) that the White House politburo and their accomplices in the media first denied it, then obfuscated it, then excused it.  Now they are incorporating and institutionalizing it!

Let's do an A/B comparison.  Here is the original Papa Bow:

Brian's Baby Bow is meant to "mainstream" and legitimize the action of quasi-president Obama before the king of Saudi Arabia.  So as to ameliorate the concerns and placate the prejudices of the American people.

Soon we will begin to see the media bowing to each other, now that the Obama punchbowl has been refilled with more of the Emperor's Kool-Aid.

Why Robert Gibbs is the Perfect White House Press Secretary for the Obama Administration: Every Cold, Ruthless Monarchy Needs a Court Jester...

Watch how Mr. Gibbs clowns his way through this exchange, fielding a sober, serious question delivered by Lester Kinsolving, reporter for World Net Daily, on the grave, constitutional matter of Barack Obama's eligibility--hearkening back to Obama's repeated campaign pledge and post-election promise of "transparency" and "openness" in his administration--by treating it as a farce.

Of course, Mr. Gibbs--or, as Cruella Michella "Buffy Lee" Larson, co-host of KFYI's (Phoenix) morning talk radio show with "the Nearly Famous Barry Young" likes to call him, 'Bobby G'--always manages to keep the tone light, goofy and non-controversial at all press conferences involving the State-Controlled Media drones and sycophants gathered to pretend they are the elite journalistic "watchdogs" of Washington, D.C. monitoring the daily activities of the puppet president, whom they idolize and adore (almost as much as Castro and Chavez), to report their "findings" to a public entitled to know and receive all the pap, propaganda and journalistic drivel they can dish out. 

This man, buffoon that he is, at least provides some comic relief from the dark, Stalinist, draconian-machiavellian prince that currently occupies the White House.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Michael Savage Told Us That Modern Liberalism Was a "Mental Disorder"--This Short Video Talks About One Named for Our Current Anti-President!

This clever little piece is both funny and sad at the same time.  

I only post this for entertainment/edification purposes, especially with regard to the Remedy offered at the end.  View it for what it's worth:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

America's Extreme Marxist Makeover Under Obama--As Seen by a Russian Blogger Whose Article was Published in PRAVDA ("Truth"!)...

Sometimes you need an outsider who has 'been there, done that' to say what needs to be said. 

But what a tragedy that a citizen from a country that has had such a diehard communist history of repression and economic injustice can look at our own nation and marvel at how far it has strayed in its wrongheaded pursuit of a perverse political mythology that was proven wrong again and again and again throughout the 20th century!

America has been in denial for decades about the socialist-leftist road it has chosen to follow in its national policies and strategies--what Hayek called, 'the Road to Serfdom' (which might also be called the Path to Slavery or the Road to Ruin).

Here is what a Russian writer had to say in a recent article published in Pravda, the holdover communist newspaper and font of all state-filtered propaganda during the heyday of the Soviet Union (now an online tabloid worthy of any decadent capitalist media outlet!):

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.

Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?

These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their masters.

Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.

So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.

Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.

So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.

The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.

The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.

Stanislav Mishin

The article has been reprinted with the kind permission from the author and originally appears on his blog, Mat Rodina

© 1999-2009. «PRAVDA.Ru». When reproducing our materials in whole or in part, hyperlink to PRAVDA.Ru should be made. The opinions and views of the authors do not always coincide with the point of view of PRAVDA.Ru's editors.
Here is a link to the Pravda article if you wish to read it in its online tabloid setting.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"If Only I Could Touch the Hem of His Garment.... Or At Least Hand Him This Letter!!"


Here is a telling image.  The Obama goon squad "escorting" a lady from the press area near Messiah Force One in Los Angeles, minutes before the anti-president was to land nearby in a helicopter and board the plane.  Evidently the hand-delivered epistle on "traditional marriage" that this woman (Brenda Lee, a small town reporter from Georgia) had intended to give to him was deemed unworthy of his gaze, the woman was pronounced "unclean" and unfit to continue standing where she was amongst the other fawning members of the press, and she was unceremoniously removed.

Here is the story.

And you thought being an "African-American woman with a deeply-wounding personal concern" (like the dear elderly woman Obama pretentiously patronized at one of his "town hall meetings") was enough of a credential to gain an audience with the anti-president!


Introducing a New Chrysler Politically-Motivated Vehicle: the 2010 Grand Larceny (Unlimited Edition)...Coming to a Democrat-Owned Dealership Near You!

Is it November 2012 yet?

The Obama thugocracy has taken its marxist-redistributionist brazenness to new heights in the matter of the Chrysler dealership closings.

For those of you who still think Obama is just a greenhorn cowboy trying to figure out his first rodeo, and that we should all just sit back and "give him a chance" (while he finishes the extreme socialist makeover of our country), read this bombshell story and this one about the obvious political bias driving the irrational and unconscionable Chrysler dealership closings, and tell me afterward that this administration is not stone-cold inebriated and out of control with its newly-acquired, ruthlessly executed political power.  The level of sheer greed, graft and unmitigated dishonesty to which this administration and its cooperative sycophants have descended is simply astounding. 

Tell me again, after reading these two stories (along with the myriad other accounts of abuse of power by this usurper and his handlers), that this job-killing, economy-strangling, morally-ethically-and-constitutionally-challenged anti-president and his hand-picked (not necessarily by Obama) cadre of corrupt, Chicago-style cronies are simply 'trying to do what's best for the country!' 

And then tell me that Barack Hussein Obama, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are not ideological triplets separated at birth.

Friday, May 22, 2009

'Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me'--Unless I Have a Politically Calculated PR Stunt Involving a Pro Football Team That Just Can't Wait!!

How sad a spectacle to see that the Quasi-Messiah has time to entertain a group of high-profile, highly paid professional athletes--Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers--and charm them into doing some impromptu volunteer service work (a prelude to his national service corp.?), while an earnest group of middle-class kindergartners gets turned away for being tardy by the ethically, morally and organizationally challenged Obama underlings.

You can read the pathetic account of this travesty here.

So, class, the lesson for today is: getting to go to the White House to see the Quasi-Messiah in person is a privilege.  And the more privileged you are, the more likely you are to see him!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This is Not Your Father's Obamamobile!

With General Motors soon to become Government Motors, America's headlong rush into full-blown socialism-fascism continues unabated under the Obama administration.

I have a new tag phrase for the upcoming Chevy truck commercials:

'Like Ba-rack!"

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Official: Barack Obama Wants Rush Limbaugh's Kidneys to Fail!!

Who says our acting president doesn't have a sense of humor?

Why, he practically split his infinitive laughing at the comedic polemic delivered by Wanda Sykes at the White House correspondents dinner (such an aptly named event!).

Here is a brief clip if you would like to see what tickles the quasi-messiah's funny bone:

As a demographic aside, Sykes is an avowed lesbian, a black (sorry, African-American), a woman, a liberal, and an entertainer.

That--along with the contingent of journalist-sycophants in attendance at this dinner--pretty well covers Obama's entire electoral/political base!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

National Day of Non-Prayer: The Messiah Opts Out.

So who do you pray to when you're 'the Anointed One'?

The REAL Messiah prayed to his heavenly Father--on a constant and continual basis.  When his disciples implored him, Lord, teach us to pray, Jesus didn't respond by saying, 'Pray? How should I know how to pray? I've never prayed before. Frankly, I've never had to pray, because, frankly, I've always had people pray to me, because, frankly, I and the Father are one. Before Abraham was, I AM!'  

No, rather, Jesus gave them (and us) an everlasting template for true, spiritual prayer. "When you pray, say, Our Father, who art in heaven,..."

Thus the humility of the true Messiah is revealed, and the audacity of the false messiah revealed!

Pray for our acting president.  His soul is in grave spiritual danger. He may fancy himself (as so many around him, around the country and around the globe do) a "deliverer."  But he himself is in need of deliverance.  

The "change" he needs is a changed heart and a changed life directed by the person of "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8) and the spirit of the unchanging God (Mal. 3:6).

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And Now for Some "Creative License" to Commemorate a Milestone: The Hundred Days of Barack's Mess (Sung to the Tune of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas')


On the eighty-ninth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

An iPod with his every speech.

On the ninetieth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Two DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-first day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Three birth certificates,

Two DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-second day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-third day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-fourth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-fifth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-sixth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-seventh day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Nine radical mentors,

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-eighth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Ten media lapdogs,

Nine radical mentors,

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-ninth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Eleven trillion in bailouts,

Ten media lapdogs,

Nine radical mentors,

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the hundredth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Twelve Republicans in Congress,

Eleven trillion in bailouts,

Ten media lapdogs,

Nine radical mentors,

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings,

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod 'with my every speech'!

Copyright (c) 2009. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Behold, Your King!" Artist's Rendering Commemorates the First 100 Days of the Millenial reign of Barack the Malevolent.

New York artist Michael D'Antuono is scheduled to unveil his painting, "The Truth," on April 29th, the 100th day of Barack Obama's quasi-presidency.

WorldNetDaily has an article here on this.

Can there be anyone seeing this painting who does not instantly see the overt, blasphemously pseudo-christian, anti-messianic message being conveyed here?

I say "anti-messianic" because it juxtaposes a political figure and theme that are undeniably and profoundly hostile and even antithetical to the true spiritual, theological nature and message of the figure and theme over which this hallucination is superimposed and shamelessly co-opted by the artist.

Whereas the original and true Messiah--whose Birth Certificate, Luke's Gospel, states clearly he was born in Bethlehem of Judea, not Kenya or Hawaii--came into the world to bring radical transformation and "change" to the human heart, and redemption to the fallen human soul and condition by means of a new spiritual kingdom ushered in with power, whereby man may be revitalized and reempowered as an agent of "change" in the world through a dynamic, living faith in the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ;

The anti-messiah, Barack Hussein Obama, worshipped and adored by millions of deluded souls (who don't care where he was born or even if he was born, they only care that He Is), came into the political world to bring "change" and radical transformation--to a society "enslaved" by the "injustices" of capitalism and victimized through the "lies" of the free enterprise system and imperialistic dominion under one of the most satanic forms of government ever concocted by the depraved mind of man, a (*gasp*) constitutional republic!--by disingenuously imposing an artificial and unrealistic substitute form of human government whereby man is "remade" into a subservient subject and receptacle of coercive "change" inculcated through sociological reengineering, mandatory enforcement of the new ideology, and systematic and ruthless repression of all opposing viewpoints and competing ideologies.

Never mind that every totalitarian regime and tyrannical despot throughout history has started out this way, always under the guise of "change" and always for the sake of "the people" (whom the new regime seeks to dominate and manipulate).

So why do so many Americans (and anti-Americans) want Obama to be their Messiah-King and Benevolent Dictator, with Washington as the 'New Jerusalem' and Seat of an Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Authority, with the power to save the foolish masses (and their foolish financial masters) from the temporal consequences of their socio-economic and geo-political sins?

The answer is as easy as "A-B-C."  Anyone But Christ.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Five Pillars of Islamo-Marxism: Obama Unveils His Economic Plan of Salvation to the Multitudes Gathered at Georgetown University (Where's Jesus?!)

In the three short months since acting president, Barack Hussein Obama, began his millenial reign, the neo-marxist Obama juggernaut has been unrelenting and unmatched in scope, deviousness and ruthless implementation.  This is only the beginning.

Obama delivered another 'I Have a Scheme' speech at Georgetown University this week (by sheer coincidence one day prior to April 15th, Tax Day and national Tea Party Day!).  It is a study in arrogance and brazen demagoguery, and a prime example of "extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds."

Here is my synopsis, with excerpts inserted to show what the real "foundations" of his proposals are:

(Notice how his "five pillars" of the new economy somehow manage to incorporate the ten basic earmarks of good old-fashioned communism!)

"A New Foundation for a Statist Economy: the Five Pillars of the Obama Islamo-Marxist Regime (Based on the Discredited Old Foundations Laid for Previous Statist Economies and Repressive Marxist Regimes)"

Pillar #1 - Expanded nationalization of the banks and financial sector--"new rules for Wall Street" ("centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank, with State capital -- [Dept. of the Treasury] -- and an exclusive monopoly -- [Federal Reserve].")

Pillar #2 - Expanded government education system that "finally prepares our workers for a 21st century economy" ("free education for all children in public schools,... combination of education and industrial production")

Pillar #3 - Expanded government control over private sector industries such as energy and transportation ("Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.  Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State.")

Pillar #4 - Expanded government takeover of the health care system, especially electronic medical records, so that we will "finally make quality healthcare affordable for every American" (See above. Also, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need")

Pillar #5 - Government spending like there's no tomorrow (See Pillar #1)--so we can "come together and begin the hard work of rebuilding," to build "that house upon the rock" on a "new foundation"..."if we persist and persevere against the disappointments and setbacks that will surely lie ahead.", "We will not finish it in one year or even many"--i.e., get ready to become destitute and enslaved because I (and my left-wing extremist consortium) am about to conscript you into a "civilian national security force" and a soviet-cuban-korean-venezuelan-style economic and political system that will constrain you, repress you, and set this country back decades if not generations!  ("Abolition of property,... A heavy, progressive or graduated income tax. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies,...more equitable distribution of the populace over the country")

Recognize the source of the parenthetical excerpts?  Karl Marx, 1848 Manifesto of the Communist Party!

Why five pillars? Because Obama's real religious faith--despite the facade of stoic secularism and the media covering up his inculcation with radical, black liberation "Christian" theology under Jeremiah Wright--is Islam.)

Need we wonder why the White House insisted on covering up all "distracting" symbols of Jesus and of the Roman Catholic religion prior to the speech? (Memo to Pres. Obama: you were speaking at GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, a Catholic university founded by the Jesuits--the Society of Jesus!)

Very soon, the only religion that will be condoned in America--the "establishment" religion that is now tacitly endorsed by the White House and members of Congress (and the duplicitous mainstream media), will be a modified, attenuated form of Islam.

The 'Chains' We Need!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama's Marxist Smackdowns are Coming Fast and Furious: First, War-Injured Veterans Getting Thrown Overboard (While Leftist Cronies Get Bailed Out $$)

Read about it here.

This is a pure power play by the administration to weaken and undermine the private insurance industry.  Don't forget, Obama & Co. are forging ahead at ramming speed with their plan to force Americans into a federal universal health care system as soon and as fast as possible.  (One of the main planks in the master platform of traditional communism.)

The veterans are merely pawns in this perverse game of political chess.  The goal is to get all that private sector cash flowing into the government's coffers where it belongs--to fund the gargantuan, utopian delusions of a powerful cadre of leftist madmen wreaking havoc on the country from Washington (and most likely from other points around the globe)

You know what Stalin said. "To make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs."