Thursday, October 22, 2009

Correction, Mr. President, REPUBLICANS Think for Themselves, DEMOCRATS 'Do What They're Told!'

Were it not for You Tube and the "democratic" nature of the World Wide Web, telling remarks like this one by our de facto president would go largely unnoticed.

So much for the "post-partisan" president of the 2008 election campaign.

Incidentally, that is not to paint ALL Democrats and ALL Republicans with the same broad brush. But when you compare "pure" (i.e., hard-line) Democrat politics with "pure" Republicanism, you find that the former is a COLLECTIVIST model based on group think, statism, majority rule and a militant egalitarianism within a non-moral, non-religious framework, while the latter reflects more of an INDIVIDUALIST mindset based on the Rule of Law, limited government and preservation of personal liberties (and responsibilities!) within a constitutional and conservative/religious framework, you see the reason for the disparity between these two warring philosophies.

In any case, getting elected to high public office is a lot like getting married. Once the courtship is over and the deal is done, the REAL candidate emerges, and the PHONY one that won over our hearts (and minds) is exposed as the pretender and deceiver that he is. (Except that some of us saw through the facade of demagoguery and empty leftist rhetoric and "elected" to let this one go.)

Pray for the safety and preservation of our constitutional republic--i.e., what the founding fathers ACTUALLY established in 1789. The corrupt, Chicago democratic party machine has unequivocally been NATIONALIZED by our community-organizer-in-chief and his cadre of maoist-marxist fellow travelers.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I always thought that about us conservatives, Republicans, Christians, Americans, and any other class of people who prefer common sense, logic, and rational thinking over slushy sentimental glop and mockery.
