Wednesday, June 17, 2009

If Only Obama the Fly-Swatter-in-Chief were THIS Resolute, THIS Courageous, When Dealing with Iran, North Korea, the Somali Pirates, Terrorists, etc..

Behold! Even the lowly flies are subject to him!

Why didn't he at least try to NEGOTIATE with the poor fly first prior to dispatching it so ruthlessly! No preconditions!  Nothing off the table.  Let's just sit down and talk this over, work through this thing together, I'm sure we can come to some kind of an agreement, reach some kind of an accord. No need to come to blows!

Unless of course, it was an Israeli fly!

[The state-run media was in adoration mode today over this herculean feat of pesticidal dexterity, as witnessed by this piece in Newsbusters!]


  1. Now Paul, get your terms correct: it was an Israeli fly-over!

  2. the cool thing about the Obama Fly Swat is that Obama doesn't care about it... he isn't as uptight and distracted as either his opponents or his proponents are
