Monday, June 29, 2009

Support Democracy in Honduras? "No Way, Jose!" (That Would be 'MEDDLING'!) Better to Have a Totalitarian Dictatorship Than a Constitutional Republic!

Are we beginning to see a pattern in Quasi-President Obama's foreign policy, in his words and deeds (or absence of same)?

Silence against the mullah-monsters of Iran.  Heavy-handed criticism and censure of the underdog Israelis defending their homeland.

Silence against the sino-communist beasts of North Korea.  And now terse vilification of the rule of law unfolding in Honduras.

In typical leftist doublespeak, Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have claimed that the "military coup" (which it isn't) is "illegal" (which it isn't), and that President Zelaya is still the real president (which he isn't, according to the Honduran constitution that was ratified by the people of Honduras, and which, in reality, is the legal impetus behind what is happening there).

Here is a very fine editorial by Mary Anastasia O'Grady published today in the Wall Street Journal.  Michael Savage makes reference to it on his radio show, and on his web site, today. Drudge covered this--while the mainstream media and the mindless, culturally-anesthetized multitudes are still in mourning over the lifestyle-induced death of the King of Pop.

Clearly we're seeing a harbinger of things to come in America when we watch our undemocratically-elected president first skirt the U.S. Constitution--and the "rule of law"--to get installed into office (aided by a massive effort on the part of the neo-marxist media infrastructure), and then watch as he proceeds to make friends with our enemies and make enemies out of our friends.  All the while implementing a draconian, communist-marxist agenda that will further hasten our decline and fall (already in progress).

To put it in historical (and theological) perspective, given America's 220 year history as a constitutional republic that progressively removed God and biblical faith from our government and from the culture and national conscience, Obama may well be the Nebuchadnezzar of the 21st century.  In which case, we may be compelled and constrained, ultimately, to submit to his wicked rule, and that of his corrupt associates.  For a while.

In the meantime, those of us who see the handwriting on the wall will continue to use lawful means (including mass communication) to restrain, rebuke and expose "the evil that men do."

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