Thursday, May 28, 2009

Introducing a New Chrysler Politically-Motivated Vehicle: the 2010 Grand Larceny (Unlimited Edition)...Coming to a Democrat-Owned Dealership Near You!

Is it November 2012 yet?

The Obama thugocracy has taken its marxist-redistributionist brazenness to new heights in the matter of the Chrysler dealership closings.

For those of you who still think Obama is just a greenhorn cowboy trying to figure out his first rodeo, and that we should all just sit back and "give him a chance" (while he finishes the extreme socialist makeover of our country), read this bombshell story and this one about the obvious political bias driving the irrational and unconscionable Chrysler dealership closings, and tell me afterward that this administration is not stone-cold inebriated and out of control with its newly-acquired, ruthlessly executed political power.  The level of sheer greed, graft and unmitigated dishonesty to which this administration and its cooperative sycophants have descended is simply astounding. 

Tell me again, after reading these two stories (along with the myriad other accounts of abuse of power by this usurper and his handlers), that this job-killing, economy-strangling, morally-ethically-and-constitutionally-challenged anti-president and his hand-picked (not necessarily by Obama) cadre of corrupt, Chicago-style cronies are simply 'trying to do what's best for the country!' 

And then tell me that Barack Hussein Obama, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are not ideological triplets separated at birth.

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