Friday, May 22, 2009

'Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me'--Unless I Have a Politically Calculated PR Stunt Involving a Pro Football Team That Just Can't Wait!!

How sad a spectacle to see that the Quasi-Messiah has time to entertain a group of high-profile, highly paid professional athletes--Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers--and charm them into doing some impromptu volunteer service work (a prelude to his national service corp.?), while an earnest group of middle-class kindergartners gets turned away for being tardy by the ethically, morally and organizationally challenged Obama underlings.

You can read the pathetic account of this travesty here.

So, class, the lesson for today is: getting to go to the White House to see the Quasi-Messiah in person is a privilege.  And the more privileged you are, the more likely you are to see him!

1 comment:

  1. More details should surface to justify (or not) this snub (why not reschedule for later?) of the highest order.
