Friday, November 7, 2008

The Messiah's First Pre-Millenial Press Conference: "Ask Me No Questions, I'll Tell You No Lies."

I caught only a snippet of Obama's first pre-presidential press conference on the radio when it was carried live during Sean Hannity's program, when the Distinguished Senator from Illinois was "answering" a question from a reporter.  The question seemed straightforward enough.  Will you raise taxes on upper-income Americans? 

The answer was as Clintonesque as any I ever heard from our first Black president (William Jefferson).  In short, here is my paraphrase of what he said to the reporter, "Never mind the unpleasant details of my economic plan, you myopic journalistic ninny, I'm going to give my best tax breaks to the good, hard-working people of this country who elected me--not the lazy, 'selfish,' non-W-2-employed, tax-evading, business-owning, capital-investing, passive-income-earning, stock-market-manipulating, SUV-driving, Republican-voting bourgeois slime."

Perhaps I'm reading too much into his answer.  But, the verbatim response he gave was clearly an evasive one to anyone who was paying attention.  It is a sign of things to come.  No "straight talk" here.  Apparently this messiah will resort to speaking in parables to the press, because unto them, it is not given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of Barack.

If you want to see the entire press conference, complete with his "dead presidents talking" (my nickname for it) remark about Nancy Reagan and seances (it comes right at the 15:00 mark), watch it here:

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