Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Election Night was a Magical Moment." Quote from Oprah? Katie Couric? No--Communist Party Chief, Sam Webb!

If you think my blog is exaggerating when it links Barack Obama with Marxists, communists and socialists, you need only read some of the laudatory remarks made by the leaders and pundits from these groups in the aftermath of the Nov. 4th elections.

Political Affairs is the official publication--online and in print--of the Communist Party USA. The CPUSA is no ordinary amalgamation of "community organizers."  It has a history of holding an inordinate amount of sway in this country in relation to its diminutive size, the tail wagging the dog, if you will, wielding influence through its compelling--to some, not to me--philosophies and insidious methods rather than through public, overt exercise of raw power. (That is reserved for countries where the opposition is squelched, and the birthright of liberty is gladly exchanged for a mess of government-issued pottage called "security.")

As you peruse the articles and topics of interest in this publication, you may be struck by how amazingly similar the positions of the CPUSA are with the positions of the Democrat Party USA.  That is no coincidence.  It is an indication of the extent to which the principles of old-line communism have permeated the warp-and-woof and fabric of the Democrat Party in this country--and to a large extent the political system in general over the last 75-90 years.   Some dismiss the CPUSA as a fringe organization with a small membership and no significant "voice." That would be a gross miscalculation.  It would be more accurate to view this radical party as a small rudder steering a large ship.  A little leaven in a big lump of dough.  (Marx would be proud of what his obscure little manifesto has led to!)

Listen to the ringing endorsement Obama received from the American Communist leadership. In the Political Affairs editors' blog, Saturday, Nov. 15, the chairman of the CPUSA, Sam Webb is quoted as saying, in his report to the Committee, "election night was a magical moment," and the election of Obama represents "a new era of progressive change" and "a reaffirmation of the decency of our people and a mandate for change."  Wow!  These sound like quotes from members of the mainstream media.

You can read those remarks right here.

To understand what is so bad--actually what is so evil--about socialism/Marxism/communism, you have to understand how it has impacted the countries where it has been applied, how it has affected the lives of the people who have been subjected to its consequences, how it has distorted the judgment of those who have fallen for its seductive premises and presuppositions. For that, there is no shortage of historical records, personal accounts, eyewitness reports, diaries, newspaper stories, books, periodicals, articles, web sites, research studies, statistics, anecdotal evidence, empirical data, etc., etc., to show the abject misery and utter devastation caused by this pernicious and thoroughly ungodly philosophy.  

Marx was wrong.  If religion is an opiate for the masses, communism is a hallucinogenic-psychotropic-lethal injection for them.  (That would make Barack Obama their newly-elected Dr. Kevorkian.  Think of this analogy from now on whenever Barack uses the term "administration.")

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