Friday, November 21, 2008

Correction: The Messiah Cometh, Not to Bring Jimmy Carter's Second Term, But Bill Clinton's Third Term.*

*Update to a previous post.

As Obama manifests his vision for America and the world and chooses his Cabinet members and Administration leaders one by one, it is apparent that the "change" he was talking about incessantly during the campaign was only about the White House drapes after all.

Almost to a man--and woman--Obama's selections are Clinton cronies (including, of course, the Mrs. herself, the former co-president), old-guard Democrats and has-been liberals who had been previously discredited and/or dismissed from active duty--only to be disinterred and reconstituted into the august group that will now form the head and shoulders of the new, coming "Barackracy."

These folks are a veritable mafia of the political left, representing a corrupt demographic within the Democratic party that would be right at home in either North Korea, China--or Cuba.  Unless the Supreme Court agrees to hear the matter of Barack Obama's questionable constitutional credentials, this group of hooligans and hoodlums will be in charge of the country and its next four years of turmoil in two more months. 

My main concern is that if Hillary Clinton becomes Secretary of State in January, she may try to negotiate the sale of the United States to the Somali pirates for a few trillion dollars and some trinkets leftover from Bear Stearns.

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