Thursday, November 13, 2008

An Army of "the One": Civilian National Security Force Sounds Too Familiar to Ex-Nazi Hitler Youth.

Read this article about Hilmar Von Campe, an ex-German who is now a U.S. citizen.

I posted previously about the "civilian security" program, proposed by President-Elect Obama at one of his campaign rallies.  People are hearing this and cheering it on as though they're hearing it for the very first time, like they've never heard of something like this being done before in any other country at any other time.  (And chances are, they haven't.)

People's sense of history has been completely warped and shrunken down through cultural and educational influences to the point that now we only seem to care about what has happened to us--or will happen to us--during our own lifetimes, and we only care to filter it through the narrow grid of our own experience.

That is why so many have embraced Obama and his mantra of "Change" so deliriously.   They're hearing these socialistic, failed ideas as if for the first time. And they've been conditioned to accept them uncritically, subjectively, emotionally, as the solution to all of our problems--which of course were caused by the scourge of Western Civilization, Christianity, capitalism, and American imperialism.  (Thank you, public education system.)

Von Campe's conclusion is the same as mine: America is losing ground to militant totalitarianism because it has abandoned its Christian roots and traditions (as well as the Constitution).  But God is not mocked.  He has a way of making sure good decisions are rewarded and bad decisions get punished.  They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. (Proverbs 1:30-31) 

Here's another famous quote nobody remembers: "Those who will not learn from history, are doomed to relive it."

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