Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Behold, The Messiah Cometh, Not to Bring Peace, But,... Jimmy Carter's 2nd Term.

Dan Rather was right.  When Joe Biden said yesterday that Obama's becoming president would instigate "a major international challenge, because they are going to want to test him just like they did young John Kennedy," the media's suppression today of Biden's remarks is something that would never have happened had Sarah Palin been the one who said it.

He is so right.  Biden knows something many of us don't.  Don't forget, Biden is a consummate Washington insider of long standing.  He said he knew some of the world leaders he was referring to when they were "young parliamentarians."  (Where did Hugo Chavez do his parliamentarian internship, Leningrad?)  Biden knows just what will happen once the Messiah sits on his throne next January.  All hell will break loose.

Not only does this prediction conjure up memories--not mine, of course, I'm too young--of JFK's baptism-by-missile-fire in the Bay of Pigs fiasco with Cuba and Russia in 1961, it reminds me of Jimmy Carter and the Iran hostage crisis of 1979-80.  Recession.  Stagflation.  Economic Malaise.  (That I do remember.)

The world is indeed waiting and watching.  The communists are watching (they want Barack to win).  The socialists are watching (they want Barack to win).  The Islamo-fascists are watching (they want Barack to win).  The African despots and dictators are watching (they really want Barack to win!).

What does that tell us?  That these global visigoths are in love with him the way the American Left is in love with him?  No!  These people want Barack the same way Goliath wanted David.  To them Barack is roadkill.  A pigeon.  A chicken waiting to be plucked.  A lamb waiting to be slaughtered.   To them he represents the soft, (pardon the turn of phrase here) white underbelly of all that is reprehensible about the U. S.   Its bravado.  Its military machismo.  Its empty rhetoric and two-faced foreign policy.

Economically speaking, an Obama presidency will also resemble Carter's in its sheer ineptitude at economic and fiscal policy.  The politics of American fascism will continue, as it has under Bush I, Clinton and Bush II.  Of course, in that regard (and in many others as well) an Obama presidency would also resemble that of FDR, Lyndon Johnson and Woodrow Wilson. 

1 comment:

  1. No, no, you have it all wrong. B.O. is bringing "change." From bad to worse, arguably. Good--no, great--post!!! I really could not agree more. Superlatives on you.
