Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ACORN: Association of Conspiring Organizations for Revolution Now

The revelations coming to light about Obama's affiliations with ACORN--and the absolutely repugnant activities this bunch of hooligans has been engaging in--are truly breathtaking.  This sham organization has been gaming the political system and making a mockery of our democratic process for how many years now, bilking taxpayers, misleading donors and the general public, stuffing ballot boxes, conducting fraudulent voter registration drives, and overall operating like, well, your typical, out-of-control government-sponsored bureaucracy laden with corruption and vice, with little or no accountability to anyone, and a very long and well-connected pipeline with cash flowing through it from several sources (some above ground, some not).

It seems like the perfect vehicle for someone interested in some good old-fashioned subterfuge and political chicanery to achieve a stated goal of wresting the levers of power from the oppressive majority (the Bourgeois) and placing them, spuriously, into the hands of the wrongfully denied People (the Proletariat).  "Power to the People!"  The working people that is.  Working poor, minority people especially.  Or just plain poor, non-working, minority, disenfranchised people, who if given half a chance are more than happy and willing to vote Democrat in the next election. 

Qualified voters must be really hard to come by when ACORN has to register a teenage boy 73 times, along with the Dallas Cowboys starting lineup and even Mickey Mouse. (Is he a U.S. citizen?)

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