Sunday, October 26, 2008

One on One with the Vice-Messiah: Gutsy News Anchorwoman Dares to Ask Biden About the Marxist Elephant in Obama's Livingroom

My compliments to Barbara West of WFTV, Orlando, Florida, who had the audacity (that word keeps coming up whenever we talk about Barack Obama) to ask Sen. Joe Biden on live television some sharply pointed questions obviously directed at the extreme leftist agenda of Obama-Biden and Co.  The Messiah's campaign quickly denounced the exchange.  

Watch Biden chafe at the line of questioning. Obama is affiliated with a corrupt and subversive marxist-leaning political organization masquerading as a community services agency, ACORN. Obama is a radical leftist in his politics. Obama is a weak, inexperienced and untested leader--which the world's despots and dictators, be they socialist, communist, Islamofascist or just brute barbarian, will take full advantage of. Obama wants to refashion the U.S. into a socialist-workers' paradise like Sweden (and the rest of Europe). Obama has a decidedly Marxist approach to "spreading the wealth." Take from the haves and give to the have nots. (They used to call this theft, robbery and extortion. Now they call it "economic democracy," but I digress.) The news anchor even quoted the venerable Mr. Marx himself--a quote many people have thought comes from the Bible! O, our illiteracy and historical ignorance knows no bounds!

Biden's final, terse answer is telling: "the only people who think that are the far right wing of the Republican party." Really? Well, in that case, the far-right wing of the Republican party is, uh, right.

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