Friday, July 10, 2009

Pres. Obama's "Compassionate CommieCare" Plan (CCCP) is Pure Sovietized, Collectivized, Marxist Medicine--and Probably UNCONSTITUTIONAL!...

No wonder the Obama administration is fast-tracking "health-care reform" on the heels of of the ungodly economic strangulus package.  It gives expanded federal control of the population--under the guise of enhancing and "improving" our existing medical system--unlike anything we've seen before, except in undemocratic, totalitarian regimes that ignore the constitutional rights of their citizens and usurp the 'rule of law').

Here is WND's article on the unconstitutional nature of this proposal (and of the so-called "Recovery and Reinvestment Act" that just passed).

If this is not "socialized medicine", then de facto President Barack Hussein Obama is not a radical revolutionary leftist with a political and ideological axe to grind.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

"A Prince Whose Character is Thus Marked by Every Act Which May Define a Tyrant, is Unfit to Be the Ruler of a Free People."

This Fourth of July/Independence Day, read through the Declaration of Independence (from which the title to this posting is quoted).

It will remind you afresh how much we need to get back to basics in our country, back to our constitutional, freedom-loving, liberty-defending--and GOD FEARING--roots.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Here's Why the All-Barack-Channel (ABC) Decided on MORE Jackomania Coverage Rather Than Airing John Stossel's Opposing Viewpoint on Obamacare...

Here's the reason. Are you ready?

It's because John Stossel does not agree with the government-run model of Obama's health care proposal!--which ABC cleared the deck for on June 24th in order to promote. 


John's not one of those State-Run Media lemmings prostrating themselves and licking the boots of the quasi-messiah from Kenya (so sorry, the president, who was born in Hawaii!).

Stossel has a long history as a contrarian journalist on ABC.  He's still a liberal, politically, though in the libertarian vein, rather than the bigoted, jingoistic vein of modern "establishment" liberalism.  He's definitely not a doctrinaire leftist like most of his cohorts. 

And certainly he's not a neo-communist/geo-marxist like the acting president and his cadre of cronies and corrupt bankster/handlers.

ABC says it will air John's piece at a later date.......unless, of course, another media-entertainment mega-superstar dies suddenly!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thank You, Helen Thomas & Chip Reid, for Showing the White House Court Jester ("Bobby G") What 'Open' and 'Transparent' Hypocrisy Looks Like!

It took the Grand Dame of White House correspondents, Helen Thomas, led off by CBS's Chip Reid, to converge on Mr. Robert Gibbs, Obama's White House press secretary, and challenge him about the public relations charade that the administration has been putting on since its inception--particularly in its artificially constructed, pre-programmed and micro-managed "townhall meetings"--to bolster its specious claim that it is "open" and "transparent" in its executive functions as pertaining to public policy and affairs of state.

Newsbusters had this to say about their cordial yet terse exchange. (The article includes a transcript of the dialogue between Thomas and Gibbs.)  

Video clip compliments of C-Span 2:

Following this exchange, Ms. Thomas was also quoted as saying that not even Nixon tried to control the press as much as Obama!

Mr. Gibbs's adeptness as an artful Master of Deflection shows why he was selected to be the administration's "Dorquemada" at these White House Inquisitions!