Here's the reason. Are you ready?
It's because John Stossel does not agree with the government-run model of Obama's health care proposal!--which ABC cleared the deck for on June 24th in order to promote.
John's not one of those State-Run Media lemmings prostrating themselves and licking the boots of the quasi-messiah from Kenya (so sorry, the president, who was born in Hawaii!).
Stossel has a long history as a contrarian journalist on ABC. He's still a liberal, politically, though in the libertarian vein, rather than the bigoted, jingoistic vein of modern "establishment" liberalism. He's definitely not a doctrinaire leftist like most of his cohorts.
And certainly he's not a neo-communist/geo-marxist like the acting president and his cadre of cronies and corrupt bankster/handlers.
ABC says it will air John's piece at a later date.......unless, of course, another media-entertainment mega-superstar dies suddenly!