Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Gee, Maybe We Should've Checked Out His Credentials a Little More Closely Before the Election--You Know, Little Things (Like His BIRTH CERTIFICATE!)"

The presidential honeymoon phase appears to be winding down as we move into the sixth month of the Reign of Obama.  

People are slowly coming to the realization that Obama the candidate, who could make women swoon with his velvety speeches and speak peace to the wind and waves, is turning out to be Obama the president who is making the economy faint and swoon, wreaking havoc on the nation with his scorched-earth political tactics, implacability and 'Don Corleone'-mafioso-style of leadership.

Rasmussen has their latest poll out showing that "voter's remorse" continues to set in.  

Here is the full article. 

The most fundamental "credential" of all, of course, is the one that the Obama administration and the neo-marxist media infrastructure have vigorously disputed and refused to provide, i.e., a simple request for the most mundane and basic of documents that would give instant, concrete and irrefutable evidence of his constitutional eligibility, and would immediately answer many of the questions and quash many of the rumors surrounding his qualifications for office, has been thwarted and resisted to such an extraordinary (and very expensive--for the Obama camp) degree that it makes it look like there's something to hide. 

Well, there is something to hide.  It's called Obama's "long-form" birth certificate!

As we all know, if this document were to be revealed, it would expose the political charade that has been perpetrated by some of the most powerful and devious persons in the world, and would slow the entire Obama-geo-marxist national takeover of America to a crawl.  (Not exterminate it or defeat it.  Just slow it down.)  Of course the powers that be will have none of that.  There's a timetable to keep! An agenda to be implemented!  A vision to be realized! Power to be amassed! MONEY to be made!

Remember, the "long-form" birth certificate is to Obama what kryptonite was to Superman!--what the crucifix was to Dracula! what daylight was to Frankenstein's monster!

Here's the latest World Net Daily article on this 'serious' subject of Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president.

If this were not a truly serious matter, the state-run media would not be ignoring it or at best treating it like a joke or another right-wing conspiracy theory!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Support Democracy in Honduras? "No Way, Jose!" (That Would be 'MEDDLING'!) Better to Have a Totalitarian Dictatorship Than a Constitutional Republic!

Are we beginning to see a pattern in Quasi-President Obama's foreign policy, in his words and deeds (or absence of same)?

Silence against the mullah-monsters of Iran.  Heavy-handed criticism and censure of the underdog Israelis defending their homeland.

Silence against the sino-communist beasts of North Korea.  And now terse vilification of the rule of law unfolding in Honduras.

In typical leftist doublespeak, Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have claimed that the "military coup" (which it isn't) is "illegal" (which it isn't), and that President Zelaya is still the real president (which he isn't, according to the Honduran constitution that was ratified by the people of Honduras, and which, in reality, is the legal impetus behind what is happening there).

Here is a very fine editorial by Mary Anastasia O'Grady published today in the Wall Street Journal.  Michael Savage makes reference to it on his radio show, and on his web site, today. Drudge covered this--while the mainstream media and the mindless, culturally-anesthetized multitudes are still in mourning over the lifestyle-induced death of the King of Pop.

Clearly we're seeing a harbinger of things to come in America when we watch our undemocratically-elected president first skirt the U.S. Constitution--and the "rule of law"--to get installed into office (aided by a massive effort on the part of the neo-marxist media infrastructure), and then watch as he proceeds to make friends with our enemies and make enemies out of our friends.  All the while implementing a draconian, communist-marxist agenda that will further hasten our decline and fall (already in progress).

To put it in historical (and theological) perspective, given America's 220 year history as a constitutional republic that progressively removed God and biblical faith from our government and from the culture and national conscience, Obama may well be the Nebuchadnezzar of the 21st century.  In which case, we may be compelled and constrained, ultimately, to submit to his wicked rule, and that of his corrupt associates.  For a while.

In the meantime, those of us who see the handwriting on the wall will continue to use lawful means (including mass communication) to restrain, rebuke and expose "the evil that men do."

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Obamacare is Intended Only for 'the Little People' (i.e., Non-Members of the Washington Elite)...."Nothing But the Best for My Family!"

As I said, the QUESTIONS were more cogent and rational than the ANSWERS in this week's Dr. Obama-ABC Medicine Show/Health Care Forum.

In the following clip, this physician poses a question, the nature of which exposes every political hypocrite as the demogogue they are.  Essentially it is this: "will you, Mr./Mrs. [insert posturing politician's name here] be bound by the same laws and systemic constraints that you will be imposing on your constituents via this draconian legislation you're proposing?

Answer: "Of course not!"

Thanks to Newsbusters for bringing this to my attention.  Read their article here. Be sure and click through the last link in the article to see that even ABC took notice of the 'do as I say, not as I do' nature of the quasi-president's response.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dr. Obama's (Socialized) Medicine Show Airs Exclusively on the 'All Barack Channel' (ABC); Compassionate Communism Has Its Detractors...

Following the on-air filibuster the quasi-president indulged in last night to pump up the do-or-die, Medicare on-steroids universally-bad health care program that the power-brokers are desperate to implement (with Obama as pitchman), there are plenty of responses and reactions--conservative and otherwise--to the Obamacare infomercial. To start with, here's one worth reading: Michelle Malkin (who is always worth reading!)

ABC News did its obligatory "fact check" (to make sure their American Idol didn't prevaricate and misrepresent the "truth" TOO badly!--and to make sure that the gullible, ideologically-challenged American viewers didn't lose sight of the trees because of the neo-marxist forest they've wandered into!). You can see that here.

Note: the forum questions that did make the cut were far, far, FAR better than the rambling, evasive answers given by the quasi-president.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hey, Chris, Aren't We Taking this 'Messiah' Metaphor Just a Little Too Far?! (At Least I Don't Get 'Tingling Sensations Up My Leg'!)

Here's a link to Newsbusters commenting on Chris Matthews' reference to Democratic wild man Howard Dean as 'John the Baptist' to Obama's messianic alter ego, on Chris's "Hardball" (Softball for liberals) program. Be sure and click on the embedded video.

This Messiah Came Not to Fulfill the Law, But to Break it!

The illegal and unethical firing of Americorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin last week after he impugned a prominent West Coast ally of Obama's (former Phoenix Suns superstar Kevin Johnson) continues to generate a lot of banter on the airwaves.  Limbaugh talked about it some more today on his radio show.

It does underscore the continuing pattern of lawlessness and street-gang-like, bullying tactics that the Obama administration has used with abandon to take out--or at least decimate--its political enemies, during the first five months of the quasi-president's term of office.

Here's an editorial piece from yesterday's Wall Street Journal.

(Remember, Obama co-sponsored the bill last year that his actions last week are in flagrant violation of!)

Here's commentary from American Spectator.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

If Only Obama the Fly-Swatter-in-Chief were THIS Resolute, THIS Courageous, When Dealing with Iran, North Korea, the Somali Pirates, Terrorists, etc..

Behold! Even the lowly flies are subject to him!

Why didn't he at least try to NEGOTIATE with the poor fly first prior to dispatching it so ruthlessly! No preconditions!  Nothing off the table.  Let's just sit down and talk this over, work through this thing together, I'm sure we can come to some kind of an agreement, reach some kind of an accord. No need to come to blows!

Unless of course, it was an Israeli fly!

[The state-run media was in adoration mode today over this herculean feat of pesticidal dexterity, as witnessed by this piece in Newsbusters!]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The 'ALL BARACK CHANNEL!' ABC Quits Pretending to Be "Objective" TV Network, Earns Pejorative Rush Limbaugh Moniker, 'State-Run Media!'

Great blogs think alike... When I read the Drudge Report article this morning re ABC's plan to broadcast from inside the White House next week, providing a nationwide propaganda platform for the quasi-president to pitch his CCCP (my acronym for the Compassionate CommieCare Plan), I immediately thought of the acronym 'ABC' as now standing for (appropriately) the "All Barack Channel."  Of course, by then, so did a gazillion other people!

In any event, here is Michelle Malkin's take on this outrageous yet highly predictable development in the perverse and incestuous world of government-controlled media.

'Physician, Heal Thyself (But Make Sure You Have Good Malpractice Insurance First)!' The Dr. Obama Medicine Show Gets a Mixed Reception from the AMA.

The quasi-president was booed by some of the doctors in attendance!

Here is the text of his scintillating speech that captivated the audience.

And if you want a "visual" that is just as enthralling as the vivacious verbiage in print, here it is:

Remember, Obama's "health care reform" must not "change" the system too drastically: it must conform to the image that will satisfy Democrat-dominated trial lawyers, Democrat-dominated labor and teacher unions, Democrat-dominated consumer advocacy groups--and everyone else that loathes the current system (which deserves loathing) and lusts for the leeks and onions of universal health care.

Yes, that's a tough prescription to fill.  But Dr. Obama and his crack team of "specialists" will do whatever they have to in order to "encourage" the patient to cooperate!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Obama's Compassionate CommieCare System Might Be Modeled After That Spectacular Example of Institutional Excellence: the Public School System!

There is a compelling article today in American Thinker proffering the argument that the national "health care reform" Obama is propagandizing about will pattern itself not after the UK or Canada or even our venerable Medicare/Medicaid system, but rather it will be modeled after our Illustrious Public Education System!

Yes, that extraordinarily expensive, incomparably inefficient and insufferable mess that is our government education system could very well be the Obama administration's template to "reinvent" the nation's health care system, already constrained, corrupted and convoluted by an unholy alliance of government and private sector bureaucracies and pharmacocentric cartels.

Read the article here.  If the author's analysis holds true, then the next generation of Americans--with the notable exception of a burgeoning army of vastly superior societal standard-bearers, home-schooled students!--will be unsound in both mind and body!

It Only Makes Sense that Obama Fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin: After All, Obama is 'Above the Country', 'Above the World'--and ABOVE THE LAW!

Here is Rush Limbaugh's commentary on the "transparent" and "open" firing of the independent, non-partisan inspector general, Mr. Gerald Walpin, in the matter of Americorp.

For an in-depth treatment of this latest example of abuse of power by the Obama administration, see Maggie's Notebook.

Let it be a lesson to anyone who dares to enforce the rule of law on the Chicago thugocrats in Washington.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Read My Lips: No Socialized Medicine!" Says Obama, as He and His Fellow Neo-Comms Work Feverishly to Force Americans into Socialized Medicine!

Ah, the quasi-messiah speaks in riddles, parables, double-entendres, and of course, bald-faced lies.

His misrepresentation of the massive, draconian overhaul of the healthcare system he and his handlers have been planning (for years) is the most recent example.

When he promised during the campaign to post all spending bills on the Internet for four days prior to the Congress voting on them, he forgot to mention that this didn't include any of the byzantine economic strangulus packages (which of course, have NO earmarks in them!) that he would be signing.

When he promised an "open" and "transparent" administration (like Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika!), he failed to mention this was only a figure of speech.  In reality, the openness and transparency are in his administration's brazen and shameless expropriation of power and implementation of a radical agenda that is neo-marxist, pro-Islamic/pro-Arab, anti-American, anti-semitic and anti-Christian to the core.

Here is a brief article written about Obama's "townhall meeting" a couple of days ago in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

We have a new religion that serves as 'an opiate for the masses.' It's called Obamalomania.

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Soviet-Style, UK-Style, Canadian-Style, Nationally Socialized Medicine-Where Everyone Gets 'Free' & Equal Mistreatment!

Fortunately, Obamalomania has not afflicted everyone wanting healthcare reform.

Patients United Now put out this brief ad presenting the opposing side to the argument:

Visit their website for more info.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dr. Obama's Medicine Show in Green Bay, Wisconsin: "It's NOT Socialized Medicine, I Tell You! It's, Uh, It's Actually, Uhm--Compassionate Communism!"

The polls must have been showing that not enough gullible, semi-literate, historically-and-factually-challenged Americans are supporting the quasi-president's draconian health care hijacking proposal, so Obama did what all good politicians do when common sense, rational thinking, morality---or constitutionality issues!--threaten to get the upper hand: take the PR machine on the road!

Sit back and watch our Community Organizer-in-Chief in action.

A 'Messiah' That Hates the Jews? Prominent Rabbi Denounces Climate of Anti-Semitism Fomented by Obama as Evidenced by His Words & Deeds in Office

Here is an insightful article that casts a different light on what anti-President Barack Hussein Obama has been saying and doing, with respect to the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, since taking office in January.

Of course, for those of us who actually went to the trouble of checking into Obama's past history and record as an ultra-liberal Illinois state senator, radicalized "community organizer," Islamophile, campus communist and revolutionary disciple of Saul Alinsky (and the entire pantheon of Marxist[socialist founding fathers), Obama is acting completely within character and as expected for one of his ideological and political ilk.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Sole of Obama: He Bows to the King of Saudi Arabia, But He Couldn't Care Less When "Dissing" the Prime Minister of Israel (for His Muslim Bros!)

At best, this photo reveals the cavalier attitude that Chairman Obama evinces in his seemingly careless but deliberately vindictive yet subtle gestures he uses to convey a "message" to his intended audience.

At worst, it demonstrates a profound disregard and disdain for Israel and the Jews based on a nearly lifelong inculcation with anti-semitic, anti-Western, pro-Arab, pro-Islamic, radically fascist rhetoric and indoctrination, in his primary and higher education, college and career--even in his adult religious instruction!


Here is what Howard Arenstein of CBS News wrote about this picture. 

And here is WorldNetDaily's take on it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The King and I: Saudi Monarch Abdullah Gives Obama Some Bling--the Media Dub It a Necklace (Yawn); "Goodness Gracious, That's Something There!"

As you watch this, picture our previous establishment president, George W. Bush, receiving this honor from the same person in the same way.  And see if the media would not have excoriated Bush mercilessly for it.  Compare that to the ho-hum, matter of fact mention this event received in our State-Controlled Media.

The large, framed document, no doubt, is a certificate of authenticity from the Franklin Mint.

Memorandum from Obama to American Businesses: It's Not About the Money (Really!); It's About My Marxist-Leninist Vision for 'Redistributive Change!'

Here is a Bloomberg article, where the writer announces he has finally solved the Great Mystery of Obama's Economic Policy.

What mystery? 

Obama and his handlers and sycophants have never been interested in utilizing the most effective and productive way of generating more tax revenue (i.e., tax cuts, spending cuts).

What they want, and have always wanted, is nothing less than the total reallocation and redistribution of all the assets and resources of American industry. Period.  

They want "change" the old-fashioned way: by stealing it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Obama is 'Sort of God', Says Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas to Fellow Barack Worshipper Chris Matthews.

This is what passes for "serious" news commentary on the major networks these days. (Of course Chris Matthews' Hardball program has been little more than a serial paean to Obama since the campaign, but I digress)  

Here, a liberal journalist, Newsweek editor Evan Thomas, gushes about how Obama is so much different from (our ratfink president during the 80s 'decade of greed') Ronald Reagan. Whereas Reagan was "parochial, provincial, all about America," Obama is far better than that.  He's above all that.  He is "above the country" and "above the whole world," to the point that he is "sort of God" bringing "all different sides together."

Here's the video documentation of this (courtesy of Newsbusters.org):

You see folks, this is the sort of pablum that comes out of your mouth when you don't have the Real Thing present in your life and you are forced to settle for a cheap (actually exorbitantly expensive in this case) substitute.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Obamalomania Crosses the Atlantic on D-Day & Storms the Beaches of Normandy, Particularly the One Beach Called--Oh, What's That Beach Called...?!

Prime Minister Gordon Brown should have stayed home today and asked Queen Elizabeth to represent him by proxy.  (Being the only head of state who was alive at the time of the original D-Day Invasion, no doubt she would have gotten the name of that beach correct!)

Some days you just wish the wind would blow over your teleprompter and give you an excuse to stop talking for a minute.

Friday, June 5, 2009

And Speaking of Barack's Teleprompter...

... It actually has its own BLOG!

The TOTUS (Teleprompter of the United States) is no ordinary high-tech speech delivery system. No sir. This teleprompter is cool, smart, sassy, sophisticated and irrepressible. (Must run on Mac OSX Leopard.)  He (it) definitely has a mind of its (his) own.

You can read his (its) afterthoughts following Thursday's (June 4th) Cairo speech, by clicking right here.

Obama and the Teleprompters, Live from Cairo!-- the Latest Stop in His "Please Don't Hate Me Because I'm American" Tour...

Here is The Speech, in all of its pomposity:

And here is the official transcript of The Speech, in all of its verbosity.

In a nutshell, Obama's speech dovetails nicely with what every public high school and university student is indoctrinated with these days in terms of history and religion, namely, that America is a despicable nation shrouded in the darkness and ignorance of a legacy imposed by Western Civilization and evil capitalist imperialism, and that Muslim nations are the light of the world and Islam is the beacon of fairness, equality, tolerance and democracy for a New Age.

Yeah right.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Did NBC's Brian Williams Ever Bow to President Bush Like This? Of Course Not! But Then, King Obama is No Ordinary President!

The gesture is muted, modest to be sure, but noticeable and deliberate--and in my opinion, calculated.  This may look like an inocuous "nod" by the NBC anchorman who replaced Tom Brokaw, but to me, it is (a), a natural, deferential response from a fawning admirer and devotee, and (b), a blatant attempt by a media shill ("journalist") to deflect and dilute the visual impact of the infamous Obama-King Abdullah bowing incident that occurred in April (*see below*), which evoked such visceral reactions from American citizens who saw it (and rightly so) that the White House politburo and their accomplices in the media first denied it, then obfuscated it, then excused it.  Now they are incorporating and institutionalizing it!

Let's do an A/B comparison.  Here is the original Papa Bow:

Brian's Baby Bow is meant to "mainstream" and legitimize the action of quasi-president Obama before the king of Saudi Arabia.  So as to ameliorate the concerns and placate the prejudices of the American people.

Soon we will begin to see the media bowing to each other, now that the Obama punchbowl has been refilled with more of the Emperor's Kool-Aid.

Why Robert Gibbs is the Perfect White House Press Secretary for the Obama Administration: Every Cold, Ruthless Monarchy Needs a Court Jester...

Watch how Mr. Gibbs clowns his way through this exchange, fielding a sober, serious question delivered by Lester Kinsolving, reporter for World Net Daily, on the grave, constitutional matter of Barack Obama's eligibility--hearkening back to Obama's repeated campaign pledge and post-election promise of "transparency" and "openness" in his administration--by treating it as a farce.

Of course, Mr. Gibbs--or, as Cruella Michella "Buffy Lee" Larson, co-host of KFYI's (Phoenix) morning talk radio show with "the Nearly Famous Barry Young" likes to call him, 'Bobby G'--always manages to keep the tone light, goofy and non-controversial at all press conferences involving the State-Controlled Media drones and sycophants gathered to pretend they are the elite journalistic "watchdogs" of Washington, D.C. monitoring the daily activities of the puppet president, whom they idolize and adore (almost as much as Castro and Chavez), to report their "findings" to a public entitled to know and receive all the pap, propaganda and journalistic drivel they can dish out. 

This man, buffoon that he is, at least provides some comic relief from the dark, Stalinist, draconian-machiavellian prince that currently occupies the White House.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Michael Savage Told Us That Modern Liberalism Was a "Mental Disorder"--This Short Video Talks About One Named for Our Current Anti-President!

This clever little piece is both funny and sad at the same time.  

I only post this for entertainment/edification purposes, especially with regard to the Remedy offered at the end.  View it for what it's worth: