Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And Now for Some "Creative License" to Commemorate a Milestone: The Hundred Days of Barack's Mess (Sung to the Tune of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas')


On the eighty-ninth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

An iPod with his every speech.

On the ninetieth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Two DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-first day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Three birth certificates,

Two DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-second day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-third day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-fourth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-fifth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-sixth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-seventh day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Nine radical mentors,

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-eighth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Ten media lapdogs,

Nine radical mentors,

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the ninety-ninth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Eleven trillion in bailouts,

Ten media lapdogs,

Nine radical mentors,

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings!

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod with his every speech.

On the hundredth day of Barack's Mess, my true love gave to me

Twelve Republicans in Congress,

Eleven trillion in bailouts,

Ten media lapdogs,

Nine radical mentors,

Eight years of recession,

Seven hours of prime time,

Six teleprompters,

Five Saudi kings,

Four falling polls,

Three birth certificates,

Two more DVDs,

And an iPod 'with my every speech'!

Copyright (c) 2009. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Behold, Your King!" Artist's Rendering Commemorates the First 100 Days of the Millenial reign of Barack the Malevolent.

New York artist Michael D'Antuono is scheduled to unveil his painting, "The Truth," on April 29th, the 100th day of Barack Obama's quasi-presidency.

WorldNetDaily has an article here on this.

Can there be anyone seeing this painting who does not instantly see the overt, blasphemously pseudo-christian, anti-messianic message being conveyed here?

I say "anti-messianic" because it juxtaposes a political figure and theme that are undeniably and profoundly hostile and even antithetical to the true spiritual, theological nature and message of the figure and theme over which this hallucination is superimposed and shamelessly co-opted by the artist.

Whereas the original and true Messiah--whose Birth Certificate, Luke's Gospel, states clearly he was born in Bethlehem of Judea, not Kenya or Hawaii--came into the world to bring radical transformation and "change" to the human heart, and redemption to the fallen human soul and condition by means of a new spiritual kingdom ushered in with power, whereby man may be revitalized and reempowered as an agent of "change" in the world through a dynamic, living faith in the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ;

The anti-messiah, Barack Hussein Obama, worshipped and adored by millions of deluded souls (who don't care where he was born or even if he was born, they only care that He Is), came into the political world to bring "change" and radical transformation--to a society "enslaved" by the "injustices" of capitalism and victimized through the "lies" of the free enterprise system and imperialistic dominion under one of the most satanic forms of government ever concocted by the depraved mind of man, a (*gasp*) constitutional republic!--by disingenuously imposing an artificial and unrealistic substitute form of human government whereby man is "remade" into a subservient subject and receptacle of coercive "change" inculcated through sociological reengineering, mandatory enforcement of the new ideology, and systematic and ruthless repression of all opposing viewpoints and competing ideologies.

Never mind that every totalitarian regime and tyrannical despot throughout history has started out this way, always under the guise of "change" and always for the sake of "the people" (whom the new regime seeks to dominate and manipulate).

So why do so many Americans (and anti-Americans) want Obama to be their Messiah-King and Benevolent Dictator, with Washington as the 'New Jerusalem' and Seat of an Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Authority, with the power to save the foolish masses (and their foolish financial masters) from the temporal consequences of their socio-economic and geo-political sins?

The answer is as easy as "A-B-C."  Anyone But Christ.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Five Pillars of Islamo-Marxism: Obama Unveils His Economic Plan of Salvation to the Multitudes Gathered at Georgetown University (Where's Jesus?!)

In the three short months since acting president, Barack Hussein Obama, began his millenial reign, the neo-marxist Obama juggernaut has been unrelenting and unmatched in scope, deviousness and ruthless implementation.  This is only the beginning.

Obama delivered another 'I Have a Scheme' speech at Georgetown University this week (by sheer coincidence one day prior to April 15th, Tax Day and national Tea Party Day!).  It is a study in arrogance and brazen demagoguery, and a prime example of "extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds."

Here is my synopsis, with excerpts inserted to show what the real "foundations" of his proposals are:

(Notice how his "five pillars" of the new economy somehow manage to incorporate the ten basic earmarks of good old-fashioned communism!)

"A New Foundation for a Statist Economy: the Five Pillars of the Obama Islamo-Marxist Regime (Based on the Discredited Old Foundations Laid for Previous Statist Economies and Repressive Marxist Regimes)"

Pillar #1 - Expanded nationalization of the banks and financial sector--"new rules for Wall Street" ("centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank, with State capital -- [Dept. of the Treasury] -- and an exclusive monopoly -- [Federal Reserve].")

Pillar #2 - Expanded government education system that "finally prepares our workers for a 21st century economy" ("free education for all children in public schools,... combination of education and industrial production")

Pillar #3 - Expanded government control over private sector industries such as energy and transportation ("Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.  Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State.")

Pillar #4 - Expanded government takeover of the health care system, especially electronic medical records, so that we will "finally make quality healthcare affordable for every American" (See above. Also, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need")

Pillar #5 - Government spending like there's no tomorrow (See Pillar #1)--so we can "come together and begin the hard work of rebuilding," to build "that house upon the rock" on a "new foundation"..."if we persist and persevere against the disappointments and setbacks that will surely lie ahead.", "We will not finish it in one year or even many"--i.e., get ready to become destitute and enslaved because I (and my left-wing extremist consortium) am about to conscript you into a "civilian national security force" and a soviet-cuban-korean-venezuelan-style economic and political system that will constrain you, repress you, and set this country back decades if not generations!  ("Abolition of property,... A heavy, progressive or graduated income tax. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies,...more equitable distribution of the populace over the country")

Recognize the source of the parenthetical excerpts?  Karl Marx, 1848 Manifesto of the Communist Party!

Why five pillars? Because Obama's real religious faith--despite the facade of stoic secularism and the media covering up his inculcation with radical, black liberation "Christian" theology under Jeremiah Wright--is Islam.)

Need we wonder why the White House insisted on covering up all "distracting" symbols of Jesus and of the Roman Catholic religion prior to the speech? (Memo to Pres. Obama: you were speaking at GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, a Catholic university founded by the Jesuits--the Society of Jesus!)

Very soon, the only religion that will be condoned in America--the "establishment" religion that is now tacitly endorsed by the White House and members of Congress (and the duplicitous mainstream media), will be a modified, attenuated form of Islam.

The 'Chains' We Need!