For those of you who thought we were only electing America's first African-American president--a man of the people who wants to "change" Washington for the better--and not, rather,
blindly handing over the reins of political power to a "clean, articulate" (to use Vice-Pres. Joe Biden's pre-campaign description of Obama), dyed-in-the-wool, hard-core, anti-American, pro-socialist,
Saul-Alinsky-style Marxist, implementing a juggernaut political strategy on behalf of a powerful cadre of globalist-elitists--boy, did you get fooled!
You need to read
Sam Webb's speech delivered at a
People's Weekly World conference on Jan. 31, 2009.
People's Weekly World is an 85-year-old publication affiliated with the
Communist Party USA (of which Sam Webb is national chairman). It makes the
New York Times and
Washington Post look like
The Limbaugh Letter.
This does not bode well for America when her newbie president gets lavished with praise, adoration and support from quarters where the very principles that made America the political, social, economic--and until the last century, spiritual--envy of the world, have been utterly denounced, renounced and roundly trounced by a rival philosophy that treats people as though they were interchangeable, expendable lumps of clay to be shaped, formed and rigorously controlled, like mindless morons, by an Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent State, rather than as the priceless, unique individuals designed for freedom, personal fulfillment, achievement, responsibility and self-government, made in the image of God, as they truly are.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the People's Republic of Obama. "Change" is the new opiate for the masses. The kind of 19th and 20th century change that Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez fought for. In Barack We Trust.