Thursday, February 26, 2009

President Obama's Address to Congress: A Vision for Utopian Socialist America; War on Prosperity; 20th Century European-Style Universal Sick Care, etc

Soaring rhetoric.  Lilting prose.  Lofty promises.  This is the stuff that totalitarian demagogues and populist despots are made of.

Their success would not be possible without an endless supply of quasi-educated, misinformed, distracted voters and rapacious political allies and sycophants.  (And, of course, in Obama's case, a fawning press full of mesmerized media groupies gushing about their "rock star" president as they take turns licking his boots.) 

If only the American people knew more about world and U.S. history.  They would not be so gullible and easily bedazzled with silver-tongued orators.  They would not have allowed the enormous electoral fraud and subsequent political coup that is taking place right before their eyes!

Everything Obama promises in this speech hearkens back to the fundamental communist platform of Marx's 1848 Manifesto.  Pick it up and read it.

Or better yet, just click here and read it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Memo to Pres. Obama: You May Want to Reconsider 'Dialoguing' With Terrorists Like This One--He'll Use Anthrax & Oral Surgery to Get His Point Across.

As you watch this, just remember: this man--along with undoubtedly everyone in the room with him--subscribes to the "religion of peace." 

Here, indeed, is a man who hopes to bring "change" to Washington!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Alan Keyes Has Some Harsh Words for the President Formerly Known as Senator: "Obama is a Radical Communist"!!

Fasten your seat belt because this brief interview with Alan Keyes is strictly a bare-knuckled affair!

Gee, why does Keyes beat around the bush when it comes to talking about Obama? Why doesn't he just say what's on his mind!   One thing you have to admire about the man.  He is definitely not a waffling, milquetoast conservative looking for ways to "reach across the aisle."

Keyes is such a staunch conservative that last April (2008) he left the Republican Party to join the fledgling Independent American Party.  In other words, he broke ranks and went off to join a group that represents what the Republican Party used to be! (Before it was overrun with compromisers and soft-headed socialists.)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Grooming the Perfect Marxist Candidate

Here is an outstanding article that serves as a substantive primer on the ABCs of Barack Obama. Very readable and informative.  Check it out!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mr. President, If You Seek 'Fairness,' If You Seek 'Diversity,' Come to This Page; Mr. President, Open This Page (Wall Street Journal Editorial Page);

...Mr. President, don't rebuild this wall!  

(With acknowledgements to former President Ronald Reagan and his famous 1987 speech in front of Brandenburg Gate at the Berlin Wall, where he adjured 'Mr. Gorbachev' to 'tear down this wall!')

I refer to the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," that onerous wall of liberal protectionism that the federal government erected in the 1940s to hedge about the commercial radio industry with an aura of "balance" and "diversity" of opinion in its programming.  

Of course, the 'Fairness Doctrine' had the practical effect of stifling free speech and stunting the growth of AM radio (beyond music & community bulletin board formats), but that's bound to happen whenever some kind of government-induced affirmative action program is artificially imposed on the real world, with certain specific outcomes desired, without regard to how they distort and truncate the marketplace unfairly!

Here is a Wall Street Journal editorial column published today, written by a man who singlehandedly revived talk radio in the late 1980's--after the Fairness Doctrine was mercifully abandoned (actually, vetoed by Pres. Reagan after the Democrat-controlled Congress tried to reinstate it)--and is considered Public Enemy Number One in the eyes of the Obama administration and the socialists/neo-Marxist elitists in Washington, Rush Limbaugh, on the very subject of reinstating something akin to this wholly unconstitutional and immoral approach to "fairness" on the radio:

Rush quoted from this piece today on his radio program.  It's well worth reading and taking very seriously by those who love and cherish freedom, especially freedom of speech.

If any reincarnation of the Unfairness Doctrine should arise and become law--regardless of what euphemistic epithet they conjure up to call it--it will prove that America once again--this time under the watch of the Obama administration--has lapsed into another fit of left-wing totalitarian tampering and unethical intervention, evinced by government manipulation, intrusion and insinuation into any and every aspect of the free market that it deems "unfair," even to the subversive squelching of freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. (But, after all, who pays any attention to that old relic!)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

In the Obama Regime, "Transparency" Means You Can See Right Through the Blatant Lies and Broken Campaign Promises--Starting With this One:

One need only watch this short campaign clip and compare the high-sounding rhetoric of moral superiority with the pernicious, brazen violation of the public trust that Obama and his gang of draconian Democrats have just committed with the profoundly partisan and unethical passage of the $800 billion Economic Paralysis package.

Together with Geithner's "Financial Stability Plan" to nationalize the banking system, our American free-enterprise system is now, without a doubt, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the federal government.   

The "truth detectives" at once again have broken a story when no mainstream journalistic organization will.  You can read it here.

Welcome to the New World Order and neo-socialistic government by thugocracy.  (Constitution? What constitution?)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Transparency, Openness" is the New 'Glasnost, Perestroika!' In the Obama Administration, It Means Teleprompters and Pre-Staged Press Conferences.

As I watched Obama's first presidential press conference unfold on Monday, the first thing I noticed--other than the fact that it was a thoroughly scripted, prescreened, predetermined, precalculated affair, as most media events involving a U.S. president are--was that when he called on reporters, he appeared to be reading their names from a preselected list.  

Now, this, in and of itself, to me is not a grievous offense, in the larger scheme of things.  But it does underscore the fact that the Obama presidency is all about pretention, posturing and prevaricating (and, of course, ruling by imperial dictat, wielding power and reigning through subterfuge and machiavellian means).  

It underscores the fact that, with this administration, micro-management is the watchword. No variable, however small and seemingly insignificant, is to be left uncontrolled, unchoreographed.  Everything must have prior authorization and approval from the throne. Every question from the floor must give the president ample opportunity to display his decisiveness, his eloquence, reflect his profound powers of analytical observation, intelligence and insightful utterance.  He must appear to be far superior to the journalistic drones in the room, and he must bedazzle the adoring millions/minions watching by television.

At the very least, what matters in this Obama Nation we've just created, as Rush Limbaugh so presciently observed about the Clinton administration, is "symbolism over substance."

Which is precisely what this "transparency" press conference was all about.  The proverbial dog and pony show.  It is the same show of "transparency" that every despot (and in American politics, every draconian Democrat and reprobate Republican) has used since time immemorial to bamboozle the masses and enlarge and expand the power of the federal government.

Transparency?  Yes.  We can see right through it.

Monday, February 9, 2009

'A New Era Begins': Communist Leader Praises Comrade Obama for Continuing America's Tradition of Adopting the Failed Political Ideas of Its Enemies.

For those of you who thought we were only electing America's first African-American president--a man of the people who wants to "change" Washington for the better--and not, rather, blindly handing over the reins of political power to a "clean, articulate" (to use Vice-Pres. Joe Biden's pre-campaign description of Obama), dyed-in-the-wool, hard-core, anti-American, pro-socialist, Saul-Alinsky-style Marxist, implementing a juggernaut political strategy on behalf of a powerful cadre of globalist-elitists--boy, did you get fooled!

You need to read Sam Webb's speech delivered at a People's Weekly World conference on Jan. 31, 2009.  People's Weekly World is an 85-year-old publication affiliated with the Communist Party USA (of which Sam Webb is national chairman).  It makes the New York Times and Washington Post look like The Limbaugh Letter.

This does not bode well for America when her newbie president gets lavished with praise, adoration and support from quarters where the very principles that made America the political, social, economic--and until the last century, spiritual--envy of the world, have been utterly denounced, renounced and roundly trounced by a rival philosophy that treats people as though they were interchangeable, expendable lumps of clay to be shaped, formed and rigorously controlled, like mindless morons, by an Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent State, rather than as the priceless, unique individuals designed for freedom, personal fulfillment, achievement, responsibility and self-government, made in the image of God, as they truly are.  

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the People's Republic of Obama.  "Change" is the new opiate for the masses.  The kind of 19th and 20th century change that Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez fought for.  In Barack We Trust.