What could be more fitting on the 36th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, Jan. 22nd, than for the newly-sworn-in president, Barack Hussein Obama, inveterate supporter of abortion-on-demand and booster-extraordinaire for Planned Parenthood, to sign into law the deplorable and disingenuously named "Freedom of Choice" Act.
King Herod, of first-century infanticidal fame, would have been proud. Whereas that Herod the messiah-killer--written of in the Gospels as the paranoid despot looking to quash all future competition from potential political interlopers--only sought to exterminate male infants under the age of two, this quasi-messiah from the Land of Lincoln would breathlessly remove all government restrictions against the categorical and wholesale extermination of all infants, male and female, before they are even born, never mind toddlers with a bit of testosterone or babes in mangers.
The "Freedom of Choice" Act is an equal-opportunity, non-discriminating edict pronouncing anathema on all existing government restrictions--be they federal, state or local--against fetal homicide, and is aimed squarely at the sensibilities of Right-to-Lifers, Christians, conservatives, devout people of faith, and all those who appreciate and respect the prerogative our Creator has over the beginning and ending of life, i.e., those who have not been chronically afflicted (or indoctrinated via the state education system) with the debilitating disorder known as liberalism/socialism.
Here is a helpful summation of this egregious piece of legislation, on which Obama will gladly bring to bear his newly acquired "power" to make it the intemperate law of the land. Read this article for a glimpse of what is at stake.
And here are some alternative titles I have thought of for the bill as I write this:
The American Self-Decimation Act
The Abortion Industry Bailout Act of 2009
The Rescission of Moral and Ethical Values in Government Act
The No Child Left Inside Act
The Planned Barrenhood Act of 2009
The Illusion of Choice Act
The Freedom of Vice Act
The Expedited Divine Retribution & Vengeance Omnibus Act of 2009