For better or for worse, Christmas (Christ's Mass), December 25th, is the day that mainstream Christendom has chosen to commemorate and celebrate the birth--the Nativity--of the only begotten Son of God, Jesus the Christ (Greek), Jesus the Messiah (Hebrew).
Today, let us set aside the unhappy truth that human governments, human rulers and human institutions are fraught with error, excess and injustice, and let's embrace the happy truth and incomparably reassuring reality that divine government, instituted and employed by a divine Ruler--who loves his loyal subjects like no other Sovereign--can never be anything else but a blessed fountain of truth, equity, perfect mercy and perfect justice (something we'll never see coming out of Washington, D.C.--or for that matter any other seat of human, civil authority in this world).
So let's honor Him, Christ the Lord, the only lawful and rightful King of Kings and Lord of Lords over the nations of the earth, the only Ruler and Potentate entitled to all of our worship, all of our allegiance, all of our sincere obedience, all of our love. He alone is worthy.
"And the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and his peace there shall be no end,..." (Isaiah 9:6b-7a)