The early warning signs are that, if the inexorable Obama juggernaut continues on the road it is on, our country and the nations around the world that are "singing from the same hymnbook" will be lead further down the path to political, social, cultural and economic desolation.
Not destruction. Not elimination. Not eradication. Just desolation. Bleakness, barrenness, isolation, sterility. Sadness, sorrow, grief, anguish, turmoil, distress. All unnecessary. All avoidable. All predictable. All the things "the Obama doctrine" promises to deliver us from.
The worst part of all this is that the particular ideology engendering this desolation (as history has shown us, if only we would learn)--be it called Marxism, socialism, statism, (modern) liberalism, "liberation theology" (which makes us slaves anew to envy, bigotry and hatred) or "communism" (a much easier word to say than militant atheistic egalitarian totalitarianism)--is the same ideology that Barack Obama has chosen to imbibe, embrace and immerse himself in for most of his adult life. Very sad. Very tragic. And very perverse, in terms of how it twists reality into an unrecognizable shape, and yet looks so appealing to so many people!
I'll resist the temptation here to launch into a lengthy historical-theological-political-philosophical tome. Let me brief. Those of you who have spiritual ears to hear this, you will hear this.
Barack Obama is in need of your prayers. He is in need of biblical salvation. Redemption. Deliverance. From the lying spirits that deceive him and so many others. From the oppressive doctrines that he and so many people believe are true. Forgiveness. Pardon for his sins. Regeneration. A new birth. A new heart. A new mind. New eyes, new ears. A new beginning. Old things are past away, behold, all things are become new. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
Barack has a dark past. He can abandon it, renounce it, turn from it, and abolish it from his life. He can embrace a new present and a new future full of hope that is indescribably comforting, encouraging and envigorating because it is based on God's powerful, non-rescindable promises (see Holy Scriptures for details) that are given to all those that believe. He can have all this and more. By faith. (See Hebrews.) By simply believing.
Believing in what? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved!
Barack subscribes to a faith. Barack believes. Pray that the Lord will help his unbelief. Pray that Barack abandons the failed, man-made belief systems that are built on lies, deceit, hatred and injustice, masquerading as truth, integrity, love and justice.
Pray that he finds the truth he seeks. The love (it seems) he has never known. The integrity he has been robbed of. The justice he has wished so fervently to see realized and implemented in his world, in his lifetime. The peace that can be found only in the Prince of Peace.
This is a plea, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for our president-elect, Barack Hussein Obama. Pray that God will deliver him from the wrath to come, despite whatever evil may come in this world, through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God and Messiah/Savior of God's people, forgiveness of his sins through God's covenant of grace and mercy, made living and powerful through His Holy Spirit, and the unspeakable joy of everlasting life in Him, with all of God's people in heaven for eternity, world without end. Amen.
Here endeth Paul's heartfelt exhortation to his readers.