Thursday, December 25, 2008

Celebrate the Nativity of the Real Messiah Today (There's No Disputing His 'Eligibility,' Whether He is Qualified--or Even Where He was Born!)

Dec. 25th may well have been an accommodation by the established Church of the day to take a long-observed pagan winter festival, the Nativity of the Invincible Sun, and "baptize," adapt and repurpose it to a higher, more noble Christian ideal, the birth of the Invincible Son.

For better or for worse, Christmas (Christ's Mass), December 25th, is the day that mainstream Christendom has chosen to commemorate and celebrate the birth--the Nativity--of the only begotten Son of God, Jesus the Christ (Greek), Jesus the Messiah (Hebrew).

Today, let us set aside the unhappy truth that human governments, human rulers and human institutions are fraught with error, excess and injustice, and let's embrace the happy truth and incomparably reassuring reality that divine government, instituted and employed by a divine Ruler--who loves his loyal subjects like no other Sovereign--can never be anything else but a blessed fountain of truth, equity, perfect mercy and perfect justice (something we'll never see coming out of Washington, D.C.--or for that matter any other seat of human, civil authority in this world).

So let's honor Him, Christ the Lord, the only lawful and rightful King of Kings and Lord of Lords over the nations of the earth, the only Ruler and Potentate entitled to all of our worship, all of our allegiance, all of our sincere obedience, all of our love.  He alone is worthy.

"And the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of his government and his peace there shall be no end,..."  (Isaiah 9:6b-7a)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Change We Can Believe In?"--the Polluted and Corrupt Illinois Political Gene Pool is What Obama's Ideological DNA is Made of.

The closer we get to Obama's sham inauguration in January, the more unsavory characters we catch a glimpse of who have ties, associations and prior dealings with the president-elect.  Now the governor of Illinois gets arrested by federal agents.  For what?  Criminal corruption charges. We have to ask ourselves, Can any good thing come out of Chicago/Cook County, that isn't sordidly tainted with greed, corruption, vice and scandal?  That doesn't reinforce the image of Chicago as a city of thieves and thugs in power?  The answer is, apparently not.

Lies, distortion, deceit, prevarication, self-aggrandizement, extortion, etc.  These seem to be the elements that form the basis of political success in the "Land of Lincoln."

Obama cut his political teeth there.  He came of age in his political career there.  He burnished his marxist-activist-socialist credentials there.  He embraced that culture of dishonesty and political pretentiousness.  It has served to catapult him into the Democratic political limelight. That is what got him to where he is today.  And now the Powers That Be have ordained him to be the next vicar of globalism, the minister of marxist-fascism, the pontiff and bishop of 21st-century socialism.  And they're not about to let a trivial technicality like "constitutional eligibility" get in the way of implementing their leftist, anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-free-enterprise, pro-socialist, anti-freedom agenda through their handpicked party apparatchik, Barack Hussein Obama.

The more we examine this man, the more machiavellian he becomes.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Rhodium Less Travelled: Obama Commissions Italian Jeweler to Spread $30K of Metallic Wealth to Wife Michelle. Ah, Capitalism!

After all the empty rhetoric Obama employed to hold himself out as the messiah of the masses, the hero of the working class, deliverer of the non-working poor from the oppression of the rich capitalists, disparager -in-chief attacking the productive and wealthy, threatening them with higher taxes, sharply criticizing even his opponent, Sen. McCain, for having the audacity (there's that word again) to own several houses at the same time-- Imagine.  Several houses. Why that's enough to provide shelter for all of Obama's destitute relatives, at the same time-- comes the revelation that Obama is having a 20,000 pound (USD$29,845) rhodium ring embedded with diamonds created as a "thank you" gift for his radical wife Michelle and her political support of him during his campaign.

Where are the media watchdogs to denounce this flagrant show of opulence as an extravagant and unseemly display of wealth by a young president-elect?  Huh? What? Oh, of course.  It's Barack Obama.  Sorry.  Never mind.

Don't misunderstand, I am a dyed-in-the-wool, hard-core capitalist and defender of the free enterprise system. If a man wants to buy his wife an expensive gift, and it is within his ability to do it, it is his prerogative to do so. But, the same worldview that motivates me also compels me to be a hard-core, dyed-in-the-wool critic and adversary of those who preach soap-box socialism in public and practice self-enriching, greedy capitalism in private. This is disingenuous and detrimental to all who practice it. It is also indicative of a double standard that has always existed in the upper echelons of liberalism-socialism. 

True egalitarianism--enforced equality--like income taxes, is meant only for "little people." As in all socialist countries where this has been tried before, the party elite becomes the new bourgeois and the common people assume an emasculated role in their government-mandated mediocrity as the new proletariat.  The more things "change" the more they stay the same.

The Real Messiah gave a parable two thousand years ago, which I paraphrase here (Paul's Non-Inspired Version): Be not censorious and magisterial about the splinter that is in your brother's eye, while you ignore, minimize, deny and seek to conceal the beam that is in your own. For that is what the unbelieving scribes, Pharisees, politicians and hypocrites do to get elected; and these you shall always have with you, especially since you keep voting them into office, year after year. (Note: last verse not found in the original, earliest manuscripts.)

Here's another verse that is more to the point: "Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity." (Matthew 23:28) 

Friday, November 21, 2008

Correction: The Messiah Cometh, Not to Bring Jimmy Carter's Second Term, But Bill Clinton's Third Term.*

*Update to a previous post.

As Obama manifests his vision for America and the world and chooses his Cabinet members and Administration leaders one by one, it is apparent that the "change" he was talking about incessantly during the campaign was only about the White House drapes after all.

Almost to a man--and woman--Obama's selections are Clinton cronies (including, of course, the Mrs. herself, the former co-president), old-guard Democrats and has-been liberals who had been previously discredited and/or dismissed from active duty--only to be disinterred and reconstituted into the august group that will now form the head and shoulders of the new, coming "Barackracy."

These folks are a veritable mafia of the political left, representing a corrupt demographic within the Democratic party that would be right at home in either North Korea, China--or Cuba.  Unless the Supreme Court agrees to hear the matter of Barack Obama's questionable constitutional credentials, this group of hooligans and hoodlums will be in charge of the country and its next four years of turmoil in two more months. 

My main concern is that if Hillary Clinton becomes Secretary of State in January, she may try to negotiate the sale of the United States to the Somali pirates for a few trillion dollars and some trinkets leftover from Bear Stearns.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Proof of Constitutional Eligibility" is for Mere Mortals, 'Little People' and the Unwashed Masses--Obama Should Not Be Held to a Such a Low Standard.

Alan Keyes' recent involvement in the "Where in the World Was Barack Obama Born?" controversy only serves to dilute the argument that it is a "racist" attack against our first black--sorry, African-American--president-elect.  The hue and cry is expanding, and the issue will not go away because Obama and his followers continue to obfuscate, prevaricate and otherwise deflect any scrutiny of the Man Who Would Be King.

In case you haven't seen it, here is the highly-touted image of Obama's "birth certificate" that has been on display on the campaign's Fight the Smears website since earlier this year.

Now read the blurb that accompanies this image as it is posted on the Fight the Smears website.  Note the withering logic and penetrating and compelling argument given to defend the veracity and irrefutability of Obama's "natural born" status.  No embellishment or satire is needed from me to underscore the absurdity of this sophomoric attempt at digital rebuttal.  It is on an intellectual par with "Oh, yeah? Well, I've got your birth certificate RIGHT HERE!"

Now go back to the image and look at the lower left corner.  It says "(Rev. 11/01) LASER"

You see, it's authentic!

OK, I'm sold.  This is undoubtedly a true image of the original 1961 "Certification of Live Birth." Not to be confused with a birth certificate, which lists such superfluous and unimportant trivia as hospital name and name and signature of doctor attending delivery, but that is for Constitution wonks and detail-oriented legalists to ponder over.

If Obama makes it to his Inauguration without a judicial showdown ensuing over his citizenship, it will only be because the same complicity and collusion that got him elected will follow through and get him installed into the White House to assume his throne, er, the office of the presidency--so that the next stage of the General Plan for the NWO can be implemented.

I'm not worried, though.  I know that it is not Obama, the Liberal Establishment, the CFR, the U.N. or any other human entity that is really in charge.  It is the LORD.  Even if Obama is our president for the next four years, he will never be more than that.  That is reassuring.  And he will only be there because it was given to him to be there.  "Thou couldest have no power at all..., except it were given thee from above." (John 19:11)

God rules in the affairs of men.  Even Ben Franklin was wise enough to admit that.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Election Night was a Magical Moment." Quote from Oprah? Katie Couric? No--Communist Party Chief, Sam Webb!

If you think my blog is exaggerating when it links Barack Obama with Marxists, communists and socialists, you need only read some of the laudatory remarks made by the leaders and pundits from these groups in the aftermath of the Nov. 4th elections.

Political Affairs is the official publication--online and in print--of the Communist Party USA. The CPUSA is no ordinary amalgamation of "community organizers."  It has a history of holding an inordinate amount of sway in this country in relation to its diminutive size, the tail wagging the dog, if you will, wielding influence through its compelling--to some, not to me--philosophies and insidious methods rather than through public, overt exercise of raw power. (That is reserved for countries where the opposition is squelched, and the birthright of liberty is gladly exchanged for a mess of government-issued pottage called "security.")

As you peruse the articles and topics of interest in this publication, you may be struck by how amazingly similar the positions of the CPUSA are with the positions of the Democrat Party USA.  That is no coincidence.  It is an indication of the extent to which the principles of old-line communism have permeated the warp-and-woof and fabric of the Democrat Party in this country--and to a large extent the political system in general over the last 75-90 years.   Some dismiss the CPUSA as a fringe organization with a small membership and no significant "voice." That would be a gross miscalculation.  It would be more accurate to view this radical party as a small rudder steering a large ship.  A little leaven in a big lump of dough.  (Marx would be proud of what his obscure little manifesto has led to!)

Listen to the ringing endorsement Obama received from the American Communist leadership. In the Political Affairs editors' blog, Saturday, Nov. 15, the chairman of the CPUSA, Sam Webb is quoted as saying, in his report to the Committee, "election night was a magical moment," and the election of Obama represents "a new era of progressive change" and "a reaffirmation of the decency of our people and a mandate for change."  Wow!  These sound like quotes from members of the mainstream media.

You can read those remarks right here.

To understand what is so bad--actually what is so evil--about socialism/Marxism/communism, you have to understand how it has impacted the countries where it has been applied, how it has affected the lives of the people who have been subjected to its consequences, how it has distorted the judgment of those who have fallen for its seductive premises and presuppositions. For that, there is no shortage of historical records, personal accounts, eyewitness reports, diaries, newspaper stories, books, periodicals, articles, web sites, research studies, statistics, anecdotal evidence, empirical data, etc., etc., to show the abject misery and utter devastation caused by this pernicious and thoroughly ungodly philosophy.  

Marx was wrong.  If religion is an opiate for the masses, communism is a hallucinogenic-psychotropic-lethal injection for them.  (That would make Barack Obama their newly-elected Dr. Kevorkian.  Think of this analogy from now on whenever Barack uses the term "administration.")

Thursday, November 13, 2008

An Army of "the One": Civilian National Security Force Sounds Too Familiar to Ex-Nazi Hitler Youth.

Read this article about Hilmar Von Campe, an ex-German who is now a U.S. citizen.

I posted previously about the "civilian security" program, proposed by President-Elect Obama at one of his campaign rallies.  People are hearing this and cheering it on as though they're hearing it for the very first time, like they've never heard of something like this being done before in any other country at any other time.  (And chances are, they haven't.)

People's sense of history has been completely warped and shrunken down through cultural and educational influences to the point that now we only seem to care about what has happened to us--or will happen to us--during our own lifetimes, and we only care to filter it through the narrow grid of our own experience.

That is why so many have embraced Obama and his mantra of "Change" so deliriously.   They're hearing these socialistic, failed ideas as if for the first time. And they've been conditioned to accept them uncritically, subjectively, emotionally, as the solution to all of our problems--which of course were caused by the scourge of Western Civilization, Christianity, capitalism, and American imperialism.  (Thank you, public education system.)

Von Campe's conclusion is the same as mine: America is losing ground to militant totalitarianism because it has abandoned its Christian roots and traditions (as well as the Constitution).  But God is not mocked.  He has a way of making sure good decisions are rewarded and bad decisions get punished.  They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. (Proverbs 1:30-31) 

Here's another famous quote nobody remembers: "Those who will not learn from history, are doomed to relive it."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Calling All Christians: Pray for this Man's Salvation and Redemption! Pray for Obama to Receive a "Spiritual Bailout"--the Same Kind We All Need!

The early warning signs are that, if the inexorable Obama juggernaut continues on the road it is on, our country and the nations around the world that are "singing from the same hymnbook" will be lead further down the path to political, social, cultural and economic desolation.  

Not destruction.  Not elimination.  Not eradication.  Just desolation.  Bleakness, barrenness, isolation, sterility.  Sadness, sorrow, grief, anguish, turmoil, distress.  All unnecessary.  All avoidable.  All predictable.  All the things "the Obama doctrine" promises to deliver us from.

The worst part of all this is that the particular ideology engendering this desolation (as history has shown us, if only we would learn)--be it called Marxism, socialism, statism, (modern) liberalism, "liberation theology" (which makes us slaves anew to envy, bigotry and hatred) or "communism" (a much easier word to say than militant atheistic egalitarian totalitarianism)--is the same ideology that Barack Obama has chosen to imbibe, embrace and immerse himself in for most of his adult life.  Very sad.  Very tragic.  And very perverse, in terms of how it twists reality into an unrecognizable shape, and yet looks so appealing to so many people!

I'll resist the temptation here to launch into a lengthy historical-theological-political-philosophical tome.  Let me brief.  Those of you who have spiritual ears to hear this, you will hear this.

Barack Obama is in need of your prayers.  He is in need of biblical salvation.  Redemption. Deliverance.  From the lying spirits that deceive him and so many others.  From the oppressive doctrines that he and so many people believe are true.  Forgiveness.  Pardon for his sins. Regeneration.  A new birth.  A new heart.  A new mind.  New eyes, new ears.  A new beginning. Old things are past away, behold, all things are become new.  If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.

Barack has a dark past.  He can abandon it, renounce it, turn from it, and abolish it from his life.  He can embrace a new present and a new future full of hope that is indescribably comforting, encouraging and envigorating because it is based on God's powerful, non-rescindable promises (see Holy Scriptures for details) that are given to all those that believe. He can have all this and more. By faith. (See Hebrews.) By simply believing.  

Believing in what?  Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved!

Barack subscribes to a faith.  Barack believes.  Pray that the Lord will help his unbelief.  Pray that Barack abandons the failed, man-made belief systems that are built on lies, deceit, hatred and injustice, masquerading as truth, integrity, love and justice.

Pray that he finds the truth he seeks.  The love (it seems) he has never known.  The integrity he has been robbed of.  The justice he has wished so fervently to see realized and implemented in his world, in his lifetime.  The peace that can be found only in the Prince of Peace.

This is a plea, my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Pray for our president-elect, Barack Hussein Obama.  Pray that God will deliver him from the wrath to come, despite whatever evil may come in this world, through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God and Messiah/Savior of God's people, forgiveness of his sins through God's covenant of grace and mercy, made living and powerful through His Holy Spirit, and the unspeakable joy of everlasting life in Him, with all of God's people in heaven for eternity, world without end. Amen.

Here endeth Paul's heartfelt exhortation to his readers.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Prepare Ye the Way: Spokeswoman Jarrett Says the Messiah Must Be Ready to "RULE" on Day One.

Jesus had John the Baptist to herald his coming and let everyone know their long-awaited King and Savior had arrived and was about to begin his reign. Barack Obama has Valerie Jarrett:

[This video may not be available much longer.  In case it is not, Jarrett said to Tom Brokaw, "Given the daunting challenges that we face, it's important that President-elect Obama is prepared to take power and begin to rule day one."]

Obama will be ready to "take power" and "begin to rule" on Jan. 20th!  Lift up your heads, O ye gates! Be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors! And the king of glory shall come in!

With all due respect, Ms. Jarrett.  Tyrants take power.  Presidents assume office.  Tyrants and monarchs rule.  Presidents govern.

With all due respect, Mr. Brokaw, journalists investigate.  Journalists perform "due diligence" on their presidential subjects and report on relevant matters regardless of personal biases and allegiances.  Shills and sycophants go on national television and proclaim, "We don't really know very much about Barack Obama."

Barack may well be my president come January 20, 2009 (assuming we do not have a constitutional crisis stemming from his disingenuous handling of the U.S. citizenship question). He will never, ever be my "messiah."  That position has already been filled, thank you, by Someone far greater and infinitely more qualified than this marxist demagogue and globalist puppet from Kenya/Indonesia/Hawaii.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama's Sheep Hear His Voice--and Are Getting the Wool Pulled Over Their Eyes.

There are many who have followed the candidacy of Barack Obama that ascribe to him attributes, powers and traits going far beyond the "clean and articulate" bill of health Joe Biden gave him (in the days before Joe knew he was going to be chosen as Vice-Messiah).   They go beyond even what was ascribed to Superman, Batman, the Incredible Hulk and the Power Rangers.

It's not enough that he is to the left of Bill and Hillary Clinton.  And Nancy Pelosi.  And Harry Reid.  Possibly even Hugo Chavez.  Not enough that he--and the 'powers that be' that orchestrated his selection and election--plan a Great Leap Forward (remember Mao Tse Tung) to catapult the U. S. into a brave, new world planned for decades if not centuries, where world government becomes centralized and the nations are blended together like coffee beans in a grinder, into a fragrant, global potpourri where all her citizens are forcibly equalized into a mass of mind-numbed minions who live happily ever after (or at least until the drugs wear off) under a benevolent, totalitarian regime.  (Interesting side note: "potpourri" comes from a 17th century French word referring to a stew made from different kinds of meat, literally "rotten pot.")

No, he must be attributed with qualities that no mere mortal can lay claim to.  Only someone of divine origin (like the Lord Jesus Christ) can rightly be adored the way Obama is adored.  (I suspect the reason Obama's birthplace is in dispute is because his human origin is in dispute.)

Here is an example of a blog site that is, in my opinion, just a little over the top with its fervency and devotion to the president-elect:

Visit this blog and you'll see the kind of blind fanaticism that power-hungry despots and demagogues only dream about.  

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Messiah's First Pre-Millenial Press Conference: "Ask Me No Questions, I'll Tell You No Lies."

I caught only a snippet of Obama's first pre-presidential press conference on the radio when it was carried live during Sean Hannity's program, when the Distinguished Senator from Illinois was "answering" a question from a reporter.  The question seemed straightforward enough.  Will you raise taxes on upper-income Americans? 

The answer was as Clintonesque as any I ever heard from our first Black president (William Jefferson).  In short, here is my paraphrase of what he said to the reporter, "Never mind the unpleasant details of my economic plan, you myopic journalistic ninny, I'm going to give my best tax breaks to the good, hard-working people of this country who elected me--not the lazy, 'selfish,' non-W-2-employed, tax-evading, business-owning, capital-investing, passive-income-earning, stock-market-manipulating, SUV-driving, Republican-voting bourgeois slime."

Perhaps I'm reading too much into his answer.  But, the verbatim response he gave was clearly an evasive one to anyone who was paying attention.  It is a sign of things to come.  No "straight talk" here.  Apparently this messiah will resort to speaking in parables to the press, because unto them, it is not given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of Barack.

If you want to see the entire press conference, complete with his "dead presidents talking" (my nickname for it) remark about Nancy Reagan and seances (it comes right at the 15:00 mark), watch it here:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama Republic: the Reign of Error Begins to Take Shape as the Messiah-Elect Chooses the First Members of His "Barack-cracy."

Two days after the election, the enormity of what just happened is still as palpable to me as it was when Brian Williams announced (around 9 pm Arizona time, Tuesday night) that NBC had declared Barack Obama the winner of the 2008 electoral dog-and-pony show--sorry, the 2008 presidential election.  It will take time to sort out the dizzying details as developments unfold.

It's clear to me now, McCain was the fall guy in this election go-around.  I like the way Gary North characterizes every presidential contest since 1928: CFR Team "A" vs. CFR Team "B." (For those of you who stopped reading and learning after you got your B.A. in Liberal Academic Studies, CFR stands for the Council on Foreign Relations--the most exclusive, powerful Good Ol' Boy (& Gal) network and clandestine New World Order organization of movers and shakers on earth.)  They are the real "power behind the throne."  (But that's another blog for another day.)

It was the Democrats' turn to rule the roost, and Hillary Clinton was not the quarterback they wanted on the field this quarter.  McCain was put up to the job to make sure the Republicans would at least give the Dems a run for their money, but not enough to actually win (the only reason it was even a horse race was because of the vivacious and carnivorous presence of Republican Joan of Arc, Gov. Sarah Palin).  And with enough voter fraud/voter-registration shenanigans from ACORN et al. to seal the deal, aided by the media sycophants pushing, pulling and driving Obama to the finish line, his victory was a foregone conclusion.  Camelot is back!

I think of Churchills's famous metaphor when I watch Obama--"a riddle, wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma"--referring to Russia and its covert/overt activities at the onset of World War II, 1939.  You can understand Obama only when you understand his life experiences up to this point, and the influences that have converged (and conspired) to mold and shape his worldview. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg (and right now I feel like the U.S. is a very large ocean liner sailing across the North Atlantic on a dark, cold April night).

For now we can tell a lot about Obama by the people associated with and selected by him during his transition from urbane Chicago political thug to urbane Washington political thug.  His choice of Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff speaks volumes about his/their plans for the new administration.  Emanuel the Clinton confidante and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac alumnus.  He is known for his ferocity and "partisanship" and lack of civility.  I am sure Nancy Pelosi will denounce his appointment.  (One only hopes there are no sharp instruments in or near the West Wing come January when Emanuel formally assumes his duties in the Messiah's inner sanctum.)

Emanuel, a gentleman in public but a pit bull without lipstick in private,  will serve nicely as Obama's Torquemada, enforcer and motivator-in-chief in the coming "realignment" of Capitol Hill. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

Germany Had Its Hitler; Cuba Had/Has Its Castro; Venezuela Has Its Chavez; America Has Its.... Obama.

To hear Obama extolling the virtue of a socialist/communist-inspired program like the "civilian national security force" he is proposing, is to be visited by the ghosts of dictatorships past and present.  

Samuel Blumenfeld had a provocative article today in WorldNetDaily, "Obama's Commie Connections."  In it, he mentions, among other things, this civilian security force, saying it sounds eerily like a similar 'grassroots' organization that was formed in the 1930s by another ambitious, charismatic young rebel with an unhappy, shadowy past and a bright but brief future in politics.  "Homeland State Police" is the English equivalent.  In German it was Geheime Staats Polizie.  Gestapo for short.

Lest we forget, "Nazi" was short for national socialist.  That's socialist.  As in leftist.  As in cradle-to-grave government welfare nanny-state, state-monopoly institutions, state-controlled industry, banking, finance, commerce. education (even religion!).  State-dominated, state-sponsored, state-mandated, state-prohibited.  Taxation by confiscation.  State-enforced redistribution of wealth, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

I won't regurgitate Blumenfeld's piece here.  I only mention it on the eve of the national elections tomorrow--when millions of voters, most of whom are validly registered, many of whom are not, will go to the polls and move the tide of history once again through another ebb-and-flow cycle demonstrating man's inability to govern himself without strong restraints placed on him from above--I only mention it as another insight, another hint, another piece of the puzzle, another "tease" showing us just what kind of radically anti-American, hate-filled, cynical, bitter, truly machiavellian prince this Barack Obama really is (and will turn out to be).
Just as Hitler mesmerized the German people (but not all of them), Castro bewitched the Cubans (but not all of them) and Chavez bamboozled the Venezuelans (but not all of them), Obama has utterly enchanted and enthralled millions of Americans who are feathers in the wind with no ideological/historical/cultural anchor to hold them and no moral/spiritual compass to guide them.  They'll listen to any smooth-talking, educated-sounding, rhetoric-dispensing demagogue that promises them all the bread and circuses and unbridled self-indulgence they could want.  

Tomorrow we vote.  Let's see if America still looks like America on Wednesday.

The Unknown Messiah: We Really Don't Know Much About Obama, Says Tom Brokaw!

Last week I watched a clip from PBS's Charlie Rose interviewing Tom Brokaw.  It was an affectionate homecoming, a love fest where both host and hostee tip-toed through the tulips in and around the landmine field that is Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

To watch this bastion of global, journalistic inquisitiveness, say "I don't know, I don't know, we don't know," repeatedly is painful and embarrassing.  Brokaw is supposed to be the Walter Cronkite of the Baby Boom generation.  A hard-charging reporter who doesn't stop digging until he hits paydirt--except, that is, where the Messiah and His Millenial Reign are concerned.

Tom Brokaw, the smooth, baritone commentator and journalist extraordinaire. Tom Brokaw, the face of NBC Nightly News for so many years, the epitome of pull-no-punches, here-it-is-like-it-or-not news delivery.  The king and grand poobah of hard news for the thinking masses (that's a bit of an oxymoron, sorry), comes across as though he doesn't know and doesn't care about the controversial beliefs and dubious background of Sen. Barack Obama.  Same for Charlie Rose.  It's the blind misleading the blind.  (Watch out for that ditch, guys!)

Here are some brief excerpts--transcript compliments of Free Republc--from the vacuous exchange between Rose and Brokaw:

ROSE: I don't know what Barack Obama's worldview is.

BROKAW: No, I don't, either.

ROSE: I don't know how he really sees where China is.

BROKAW: We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking about foreign policy.

ROSE: I don't really know. And do we know anything about the people who are advising him?

BROKAW: Yeah, it's an interesting question.

ROSE: He is principally known through his autobiography and through very aspirational (sic) speeches.

BROKAW: Two of them! I don't know what books he's read.

ROSE: What do we know about the heroes of Barack Obama?

BROKAW: There's a lot about him we don't know.

Gentlemen, please.  Your credibility is already in freefall and it just dropped another 50%.  If this profoundly unbelievable, tacit admission of both ignorance and apathy is not a clear, shining example of the leftist media covering up for Obama so that the voting masses will cast their ballot for him anyway simply because the moguls of Main Street, the cultural pied pipers and the populist powers-that-be say they should--where else will you find a more telling example of willful lack of interest being indulged in for the sake of promoting a political agenda.

Yet another reason why I only watch PBS (and the other LNNs, liberal news networks) when I want to see what the empty suits in front of the camera are busy deconstructing, revising and being disingenuous about as they try to hide their ideological nakedness with a fig leaf they call "objectivity" in their distorted, blatantly biased news coverage.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Religion & Politics: The Messiah Has the Atheist Vote Pretty Well Locked Up.

The IBD/TIPP Election '08 Daily Tracking Poll ("most accurate pollster of the 2004 campaign") today came out showing the race between Obama and McCain tightening, with undecideds and independents vacillating almost as wildly as the Dow Jones last week.

Most interesting to me was the religion vote.  Protestants and Catholics, who have historically disagreed on profound doctrinal issues of the Christian faith, seem to agree that a vote for McCain constitutes less of a sin than a vote for Obama.  The breakdown is 55/36, McCain over Obama among the Protestants, 51/38 McCain over Obama for the Catholics.  A tad more indecision among the Catholics, 11%, vs. 9% undecided among the Protestants.

The "Other Christian" vote is more evenly polarized than the Protestant/Catholic split: 48/46 McCain over Obama, with 7% undecided.  Amazingly low number of undecideds for a group that couldn't decide whether it is Catholic or Protestant.  (I suspect this miscellaneous rubric is for recently engendered "third wave" groups such as charismatics & Pentecostals, as well as non-denominational bodies, the Mormons, other splinter groups, factions, breakaways & offshoots.  I'm guessing the Branch Davidians are going with McCain, just to be safe.)

Perhaps most astonishing of all is the Jewish vote.  A whopping 78% are voting for Obama, 19% for McCain, only 3% undecided!  Think about this.  Nearly four out of five voters who identified themselves as Jewish are casting their lot with a man whose personal ties and closest allies (drop the second 's' for a better adjective: closet allies) are individuals who are either sworn enemies or merely hostile antagonists toward Israel and all things Jewish.  This plus the fact that the particular ideology Obama subscribes to--socialism/Marxism--is historically anti-Jewish, anti-American, anti-liberty and anti-prosperity.  Look at the history of the Jews in America.  Industrious, ingenious, business innovators, entrepreneurial, risk-takers, capitalist to the core. What went wrong?

"Other" religions are the wild card in this group: 63% of them are going with Obama, 30% McCain, 7% undecided.  The reason I think the Mormons are not included in this group is that they are a staunchly conservative bunch and would sooner give up Temple privileges than vote for Obama (with all due respect to the LDS).  For everyone else, I guess a false messiah is better than no messiah at all.
Last of all is the "None" group.  These are presumably atheists and people who want to be "spiritual" without believing in God or practicing any religion.  They are going with Obama 73% vs 21% for McCain, 6% undecided.  Imagine that.  Three out of four unbelievers believe Obama is the One.  Maybe they secretly belong to the Church of Oprah.  No Bible required.  Just bring your five senses and your wind-tossed non-beliefs to a place where the main sacrament is Communion with Your Feelings.  Obama is your candyman.  Your puppet.  Whatever you want your next president to be, and give, he'll be glad to oblige, by indulging your collectivist longing for the Change We Need, transitioning us from "selfish" freedoms and lower taxes to state-sponsored security and state-enforced, wealth-confiscating, job-destroying "equality."  (All men are created equal, but some are more equal than others.  Thank you, George Orwell.)

We'll see if there is any change in these numbers tomorrow, the last day before the election. But clearly, Obama has captured the hearts and minds of voters who acknowledge either no God or else no higher practical authority than the federal government--except perhaps the U. N.--with the President (so long as he or she is a Democrat) as its prophet.

If ever there was a time to pray, Good Lord, deliver us, it's now.  Please join with your local congregation in prayer and fasting tomorrow (Monday).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where Was the Messiah Born? Kenya? Hawaii? It Doesn't Matter, Let's Just Get On With the Coronation.

"No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States."

--U. S. Constitution, Article II, Section I

The issue of where Obama was actually born has been dropped down the memory hole of the mainstream media. They don't care. They don't want to care. They adamantly refuse to make an issue of it.  Not like they did when they brought up the subject of John McCain's being born in the Panama Canal Zone when his father was an admiral in the Navy.  They quickly dropped that subject when, (a), McCain provided the necessary documentation to prove his eligibility, and, (b), they realized how vulnerable Obama was to this same scrutiny, and were only too happy when he threw them a bone by posting an image of a birth certificate on the Internet!

This matter of "natural born citizenship" may seem like an anachronistic technicality to some people. But it serves as a revealing microcosm of how condescendingly the Left views the Constitution.

Here is a basic summary of what the Left thinks of the Constitution. On matters they would like to change (and have a reasonable likelihood of doing so), it is a "living, breathing, organic, changing" document. On matters they disagree with--either which they deem trivial and inconsequential, or for which there isn't enough popular support or "political will" for amendment--it is a dead letter. It is defective. It is deeply flawed. "Let's pretend it doesn't say that." Times have changed. We must update it.  Or replace it with something better: a democratic vote of the People (or an autocratic, dictatorial order from the Messiah).

This is the stated position of Barack Obama. Change everything he can get his hands on. The Constitution. The Supreme Court. The political system. The legal system. Religious institutions. Cultural institutions. All must be bent to the will of the Almighty Sovereign State, of which Barack will be in charge. This was Marx's substitute for submission to an omnipotent God. Barack and his most ardent supporters, like Marx's, don't care a whit what the bourgeois Constitution says. They just want their Deliverer of the Working Man from the Wrath of Capitalism to be installed into his Rightful Position. The election is merely a formality. A ceremony to ratify what has already been decided by the People via the polls. And the polls, say they, have spoken. Der Fuhrer must now be inaugurated. And he must have the absolute, uncontested power he needs to achieve the "change" that he and his followers/fellow-travellers have been clamoring for.  Change that must be implemented at all costs--regardless of what the Constitution says--by whatever means necessary, fair or foul, legal or illegal, moral or immoral. The end justifies the means.  There is too much at stake. Too much to lose (and so much to gain!).

So the stonewalling and silence continues. The complicity by the leftist media continues. The Obama juggernaut of lies and deceit continues. And the American political charade of 2008 moves inexorably forward, towards its pernicious conclusion.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

One on One with the Vice-Messiah: Gutsy News Anchorwoman Dares to Ask Biden About the Marxist Elephant in Obama's Livingroom

My compliments to Barbara West of WFTV, Orlando, Florida, who had the audacity (that word keeps coming up whenever we talk about Barack Obama) to ask Sen. Joe Biden on live television some sharply pointed questions obviously directed at the extreme leftist agenda of Obama-Biden and Co.  The Messiah's campaign quickly denounced the exchange.  

Watch Biden chafe at the line of questioning. Obama is affiliated with a corrupt and subversive marxist-leaning political organization masquerading as a community services agency, ACORN. Obama is a radical leftist in his politics. Obama is a weak, inexperienced and untested leader--which the world's despots and dictators, be they socialist, communist, Islamofascist or just brute barbarian, will take full advantage of. Obama wants to refashion the U.S. into a socialist-workers' paradise like Sweden (and the rest of Europe). Obama has a decidedly Marxist approach to "spreading the wealth." Take from the haves and give to the have nots. (They used to call this theft, robbery and extortion. Now they call it "economic democracy," but I digress.) The news anchor even quoted the venerable Mr. Marx himself--a quote many people have thought comes from the Bible! O, our illiteracy and historical ignorance knows no bounds!

Biden's final, terse answer is telling: "the only people who think that are the far right wing of the Republican party." Really? Well, in that case, the far-right wing of the Republican party is, uh, right.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Behold, The Messiah Cometh, Not to Bring Peace, But,... Jimmy Carter's 2nd Term.

Dan Rather was right.  When Joe Biden said yesterday that Obama's becoming president would instigate "a major international challenge, because they are going to want to test him just like they did young John Kennedy," the media's suppression today of Biden's remarks is something that would never have happened had Sarah Palin been the one who said it.

He is so right.  Biden knows something many of us don't.  Don't forget, Biden is a consummate Washington insider of long standing.  He said he knew some of the world leaders he was referring to when they were "young parliamentarians."  (Where did Hugo Chavez do his parliamentarian internship, Leningrad?)  Biden knows just what will happen once the Messiah sits on his throne next January.  All hell will break loose.

Not only does this prediction conjure up memories--not mine, of course, I'm too young--of JFK's baptism-by-missile-fire in the Bay of Pigs fiasco with Cuba and Russia in 1961, it reminds me of Jimmy Carter and the Iran hostage crisis of 1979-80.  Recession.  Stagflation.  Economic Malaise.  (That I do remember.)

The world is indeed waiting and watching.  The communists are watching (they want Barack to win).  The socialists are watching (they want Barack to win).  The Islamo-fascists are watching (they want Barack to win).  The African despots and dictators are watching (they really want Barack to win!).

What does that tell us?  That these global visigoths are in love with him the way the American Left is in love with him?  No!  These people want Barack the same way Goliath wanted David.  To them Barack is roadkill.  A pigeon.  A chicken waiting to be plucked.  A lamb waiting to be slaughtered.   To them he represents the soft, (pardon the turn of phrase here) white underbelly of all that is reprehensible about the U. S.   Its bravado.  Its military machismo.  Its empty rhetoric and two-faced foreign policy.

Economically speaking, an Obama presidency will also resemble Carter's in its sheer ineptitude at economic and fiscal policy.  The politics of American fascism will continue, as it has under Bush I, Clinton and Bush II.  Of course, in that regard (and in many others as well) an Obama presidency would also resemble that of FDR, Lyndon Johnson and Woodrow Wilson. 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

And Now a Word from Barack the Magnificent, the Erudite, the Eloquent One: "Look,..."

Obama showed his true (or maybe false) colors last night in the third and final presidential debate.  He was defensive, arrogant, evasive, prevaricating, dishonest, vapid and magisterial, all at the same time.  In short, he was being himself.

But focusing on what he said rather than how he said it, Barack is still an ideological Marxist.  His plans to raise taxes on the "wealthy"--people like aspiring businessman, Joe the plumber of Holland, Ohio.  (Heaven help Joe if he should have not only the misfortune of buying the plumbing business he works for, but also the audacity of prospering at it).  The language of Barack is class-warfare and anti-capitalist rhetoric, pure and simple.

McCain rightly confronted him on several fronts, like William Ayers, ACORN, taxes and the economy, etc..  Barack clumsily slithered out of McCain's grasp each time, either outright lying or simply using his Chicago thug-lawyering tactics to weasel out of the controversies.  It was certainly not Barack's best performance.   To his credit, McCain kept trying to play hardball, and Barack kept trying to unlevel the playing field.

One thing we can be sure of now that there are no more staged, filtered, dog-and-pony shows for the candidates to strut their stuff in.  Barack has shown he is not invincible.  He is not infallible.  He is not unfathomable.  He is incorrigible.  And he most certainly is incredible (by the dictionary's definition).

With all the questions and controversies swirling around him--like the dust cloud perpetually swirling around Pig Pen in the old Peanuts comics--he tries hard to be a "teflon" candidate.  But by the time all is said and done, he will prove to be a "velcro" one, and a very prickly one at that.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ACORN: Association of Conspiring Organizations for Revolution Now

The revelations coming to light about Obama's affiliations with ACORN--and the absolutely repugnant activities this bunch of hooligans has been engaging in--are truly breathtaking.  This sham organization has been gaming the political system and making a mockery of our democratic process for how many years now, bilking taxpayers, misleading donors and the general public, stuffing ballot boxes, conducting fraudulent voter registration drives, and overall operating like, well, your typical, out-of-control government-sponsored bureaucracy laden with corruption and vice, with little or no accountability to anyone, and a very long and well-connected pipeline with cash flowing through it from several sources (some above ground, some not).

It seems like the perfect vehicle for someone interested in some good old-fashioned subterfuge and political chicanery to achieve a stated goal of wresting the levers of power from the oppressive majority (the Bourgeois) and placing them, spuriously, into the hands of the wrongfully denied People (the Proletariat).  "Power to the People!"  The working people that is.  Working poor, minority people especially.  Or just plain poor, non-working, minority, disenfranchised people, who if given half a chance are more than happy and willing to vote Democrat in the next election. 

Qualified voters must be really hard to come by when ACORN has to register a teenage boy 73 times, along with the Dallas Cowboys starting lineup and even Mickey Mouse. (Is he a U.S. citizen?)

Last Chance to Keep a Marxist Out of the White House

I hear Obama talking to voters who are concerned about his tax-and-spend agenda, and I cringe when I hear his responses.

Case in point: Barack told a plumber he was speaking to that while he doesn't want to "punish" the man for making a good living, he does think it is only "fair" that "we spread the wealth" for the benefit of those who are still lagging behind economically.  Translation: this white guy needs to quit whining and get ready to cough up some more dough so that the poor and needy, disadvantaged brothers and sisters in his neighborhood can get some relief--via Barack the Merciful--from their abject poverty and destitution--from which only Barack and his Democrat band of merry men can deliver them.

Sounds so generous, so big-hearted and fair and logical until you realize that, wait a minute, in order for the government (i.e., the Obama regime) to spread this wealth, it must first extract it from its current owner, i.e., the person who earned it.

In the good old days, this used to be called theft.  Now it is called economic democracy.  Talk about doublespeak and Orwellian illogic.  It is a hallmark precept of classical marxism: "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."  Translation: give it up or we'll take it from you by force (or by legislative fiat/executive order).   

Yeah, that's the change we need.